Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/254 f.254r-255v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0325/008
Date: 24 July 1591
Copies: 1063
fol.255vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuer of England.
Endorsed: 24 Julij 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. With lettres intercepted of Le Vasseur.
Later Addition: 24 July 91
May it please your good L. there were of our souldiers that came this morning to the Count, with certaine letters of the Enemie, which they had intercepted: among which there were two of Vasseur a secretary of their state, and of great autoritie among them. I have sent your L. the transcript of them bothe, supposing it needefull, that the tenor of the one declaring expressely, that there is order out of Spaine for the Duke to goe for France, and likewise of the other contening the specialties of the Enemies forces expected out of Germany, should be spee- dely notified to her Majestie. For we did never make account of more then a 1500 horse, and some fewe enseignes of foote, that they had levied in those quarters. Whether the Veador, to whome letter is addressed, be at Brussels or Andwerp, we can not certainly learne. For it was omitted in the indorsment of the letter. I signified in my last, the 23 of this moneth, at the Duke was marched from Niuemeghen towardes the Maese, with intention, as nowe it is certified, to pitche his campe at Maestricht. Howbeit we knowe it not otherwise then by these intercepted: nor we are not yet assured, if he leave any garrison in Nieumeghen. Being otherwise destitute of a present messenger, I requested Master Allen the bearer heerof, to carie these letters of purpose: which I hope will stand with your L. good liking, and I am certaine he will use all possible diligence. And so I take my humble leave. From Arnham. July 24 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden. Tho. Bodley