Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/228 f.228r-229v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0322/008
Date: 17 July 1591
Copies: 1060
fol.229vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 17 Julij 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. The trewe report of the Overthrowe of certaine of the D. Parmas House./
Later Addition: 17 July 91
May it please your good L. I have signified in a former, the 14 of this moneth, the good successe of our exploit against the Enemies horse. But I writte that letter to your L. before our troupes were all returned: for which I could not write with certaintie, nor specificie so muche, as came after to my knowledge. For where I writte but of three of their Cornets, that were defeated, they are found to be six. The first was the Cor- net of the Dukes garde: of which the Captaine Pedro Francesco de Nicelli is taken prisoner: who commaunded by provision over all the horsemen: also his cornet was taken, and the Dukes own collours. The 2 was the com- pany of Alfonso Davales bastard brother to the Marquis of Guasto, who is likewise prisoner, with his cornet and collours. The 3 of Hie- ronymo Carraffa, who had the company of the Marquis of Guasto. His Lieutenant il Conte Decio de Manfredi is prisoner, and his Cornet with his collours are taken. The 4 of Biasco Capozuceli brother to Cosimo Secretary to the Duke. These 4 were Italians: but the 5 was Pradiglia an old Spanishe Captaine, who was brought into Arnhamprisoner, but died the same day of his woundes. The 6 of Antonio d'Aguay, who had a Spanishe company of Har- que buziers. There were also taken pri- soners, Captaine Jacomo, heeretofore a Captaine of footemen, but nowe in the Dukes intertenment. Likewise Captaine Galeazzo del Pozzo sometime Cornet of Appio Conte, and nowe intertened by Hieronymo Caraffa. These are the chief of those that were taken, but there are many other officers and gentlemen of qualitie prisoners. The nomber of them all I can not certifie pre- sicely: but as farre as I can learne, they are towardes a 100 and 240 horses. fol.228v
Their horses were no better then ours, theire horsemen notwithstanding were farre better armed: and most of them old and very talle souldiers, the floure, as is thought, of all his horsemen. They receaved no great hurt in conflict with the footmen: but when they came in sight of their pykes, they made a sod- daine halt, having had before our horse in chase, and being come to the point to do execution. And then our horsemen, had the leasure to recover them- selves, and to charge the Enemie a freshe, which put them presently in route. This was done the 14 day, and the morning after the Enemies campe was full of fires: which was taken for a token of their soddaine departure. Many upon it were sent abroade, both horse and foote, pesants and others, to learne what was meant: and certaine trompetters were dispatched with counterfait errandes, to aske after prisoners. But by the Enemies forsight all the advenues of his campe, which were very fewe, were diligently garded, and all commers in so streightly detened, that we continued alwaies doubtfull whether his fires were but strategemes, to bring us onward, or that his meaning were otherwise, directly to be gone. Nevertheles the next day after there were that sent us worde from neutral places, that for certaine his forces were in trans- porting to Nieumeghen side: wherupon there were 3000 footemn, and 700 horse sent thi- therward, who approched so neere to the Enemies campe, as they forced a corps de garde within their trenches, and might easely discerne that thay had divers of their footmen in order of bat- tel, upon the waters side. Our troupes remained there for the space of two houres together, but per- ceaving that the Enemie was unwilling to /come to/ blowes, and finding no securitie in assaulting their trenches, being also uncertaine, howe many of his campe were passed the river, thei returned homewarde fol.229r
that night. Howbeit this morning we had a letter sent hither from out of the sconce, whereby we were assured, that the greatest part of his troupes were already gone over. Againe therupon we sent thither the like forces, as the day before: but founde no enemie when thei came. For all their campe was lodged in sight, on the other side, of the Wael. What they purpose to doe next, we can not yet conjecture. It is said by our prisoners, and we have it otherwise by other intelligence, that they goe undoubtedly for Fraunce. But yet we are persuaded, that untill the Duke be assured what way will be taken by the Germaine Levie, he will keepe in these quarters. Yesterday there came Verdugo unto him, with all his forces of Friseland: but whether his mutins of Diest and Herentals have receaved contentment we knowe not. The whole assembly of the general states is newly come hither from the Hage: but I doe not yet heare for what occasio[n.] It shall be signified in my next, with our next reso- lution for the imploiment of our forces. And so I take my humble leave. From Arnham July 17 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley