Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/172 f.172r-173v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0316/008
Date: 29 June 1591
fol.173vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 29 Junij 1591. Master Bodeley to my L. from Leewarden. Collonel Senoy./
Later Addition: 29 June 91
May it please your good L. The letter whiche yow writte in the favor of Monsieur Sonoy, bearing date from the court the 25 of May, came but nowe unto my handes: and likewise that letter, which was written by her Majestie to the states of Holland, in January last, was almost three monethes in the way, before it was delivered. It was therein signified, that I had bin required to solicit that cause. But I had nether as then, nor at any time sins, any charge to that effect. Howbeit for that I tooke it as for- gotten, though I dealt not in publicke with the states of Holland, yet I used suche instance to Barne- velt in privat, who is advocat of Holland, and the chiefest actor in all suche causes, as he bothe assu- red me of a short dispatche in that mater, and that whatsoever had bin promised, by the accord of Meden- blicke, should be thorowly perfourmed. It was in Aprill last that he made me this promise, and sins I have not failed to urge him upon it. But still he alleageth, that for the important affaires, which falle every houre, upon occasion of these warres, that assembly will not hearcken to any privat mens suites. His answear notwithstanding doth not vary from it self, but, that it shall be accomplished, whatsoever was agreed. For that I am absent from the Hage, where Barnevelt remaineth, I can not so folowe this suite, as willingly I would. But I will presse him with my letters, that if it be not thereby ended, before my returne, it is but so muche more patience. For I will deale effectually, when I come to the Hage, aswell with the states, as with the advocat, which are all of them in all their answers a great deale more tractable, then they have bin heeretofore, as I doubt not of bringing his mater to conclusion. They /have/ ever had opinion, that Monsieur Sonoy his speeches and endevors did never tend to any other, but to incense her Majestie against them.
I have also written from hens to the General states, fol.172v
to make more hast in their answear to her Majesties last letters, about the mater of navigation, which they signifie unto me is almost ready to be sent. And thus I take my humble leave. From Leewarden June 29 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.