Letter ID: 0314
Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/158 f.158r-159v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0314/008
Date: 22 June 1591
Copy of: 0313



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 22 Junij 1591. Master Bodeley to my L./

Later Addition: 22 June 91


May it please your good L. the 13 of this moneth I advertised your L. of my being at Dorkum, with the Councel of state, from whens we tooke our jorney towardes the army. But before we came thither we had worde from the Count, that the Ene- mie at Groeninghen had opened certaine sluces, whereby of six partes about the towne, there were five overflowen, and the army on the soddaine forced to dislodge. The possibilitie to lette in the water was nether knowen to Count William, nor to the Deputies of Friseland, on whome the army depended for good direction in the siege. For they were all persuaded, that the water of those sluces could not hinder our approaches, nor the planting of the artillerie. But sins it fell out otherwise, it was thought convenient, that our forces should presently marche towardes Delfzil which is a strong fort upon the Ems distant from Groeninghen North Est 3 long dutche miles. The taking of this fort, because it serveth as a haven to Groeninghen, was ge- nerally thought of singular importance. There was order also taken, that the artillerie which was not yet disbarked, but only kept in a readines in the shippes before Groeninghen, should be brought to Delfzil by water. Upon this resolution the Councel of state finding no securitie for them selves to goe to Delfzil by water /land/, when the troupes were departed, went thither by shippe. Presently upon our comming the approches were made, and as yesternight the artillerie made ready to be planted. Wherupon the Enemie within, albeit for the space fol.158v
of three daies he had shotte upon us very hotly upon the first summoning condescended to a parley, and surrendred presently upon like composition as those of Zutphen and Deventer. Their want within was both of men and powder, and no kinde of hope to be relieved by the Spa- niard. Groeninghen excepted, there are only nowe remaining in the territorie of Groeninghen the fortes of Upslacke and Em- mentill, which are fortes of some strength, lieng Southwest from Groeninghen, within two or three leagues, but unable to withstand any forceable batterie. For which is it resolved, that they shall be summoned out of hand. And as for those of Groeninghen, it is first intended, for that nowe it is thought they will harcken to reason, that they shall be moved by faire offers, to unite themselves to the other Provinces, which if they chance to reject, as most men thinke they will, reposing no confidence in any pro- mise of the states, then they doe determine, as I am told underhand (for as yet of themselves they doe not signifie so unto me) to use her Majesties countenance by my meanes to the effect of that Commission, which was graunted unto me above twelve moneth agoe. For mine owne part, because it is a mater that doth touche themselves, and because I knowe it is their humor, not to use her Majestie but as a refuge in extremitie, I doe not deale by persuasion ether one way or other. For if they can not speede of them- selves, they will come very willingly to crave fol.159r
her Highnes assistance: and otherwise for me to move them therunto, considering howe sleightly they regarded it before, I knowe not howe it would stand with the honor of her Majestie. Howbeit I doe see aswell by this, as by many other their proceedinges, that whosoever will not beare with their diffidence and jalousie, and other natural imperfections, but exact more precisely an hono- rable cariage in their dealing, then the advance- ment of an action, shall but hinder that in the end, which might be otherwise effected, and do her Majestie in this contrey very litle good ser- vice. We have certaine informacion both by letters intercepted, and by other good intelligence, that the Duke of Parma is lodged in a cloister called Marienboom, adjoining to the fort of Rees, very muche distressed, for lacke of victuals and cariage: so as nowe we are persuaded, that his jorney is wholy staied, for troubling these quarters. Besides his nombers to the uttermost are not thought to exceed 6000 foote, and 150 horse, which are also in dissension, and in very great [[mi]]serie for many great wantes. In effect, for my self, I did never yet perceave, that ether the Enemie in these contreis was ever so perplexed, or so likely in all places to be dishonored in his actions, as he is at this present. And thus I take my humble leave. At the campe before Delfzil, where we make our entrie this morning. June 22 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
