Letter ID: 0301
Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/48 f.48r-49v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0301/008
Date: 14 May 1591
Copies: 1072 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 31 August 1591. Master Bodley from Haghe CortekensConfession

Later Addition: 31 August 91


May it please your good L. I send yow heere the copie of Cortekens Confession, but without the Interrogatories, as they say they were sent from the states of Zeland, albeit I am persuaded, they will not willingly lette me see them. And as I am informed, they have examined him againe upon newe Interrogatories: to what effect I knowe not, nor yet what answear he hath made. For they deale in these maters very ja- lously with me, and more, I see, I shall not knowe, then I must of necessitie, and is likely other- wise to be signified unto me. Of that which concerned the mater of peace, there is nothing yet imparted to the body of this Councel: but every man a part is made acquainted with it: which they doe, as I suppose, lest the bruite of suche a motion, when the vulgar people doe not rightly understand it, should occasion further trouble, then they shall after be able, to appeare when they would. Sir Edward Norreis hath written hither to the Councel, requesting for Cor- teken to have him released, alleaging that he had imploied him about her Majesties affaires: and in case they would retene him, as a law- full prisoner, he should be forced for his ran- some to write unto her Highnes. But they answea- red nothing to his letter. What hath passed in conference between me and Vanderwerke I have certified in my last, which is all the occasion I have had, to speake of that mater to any of them all, nor till I heare from your L. I know not further what to say, to colour that Treaty be- tween the Governor and Corteken, as touching a peace. There are certaine pointes fol.353v
confessed, which verifie those abuses, wherewith the Governor is charged, in the maters of contribution, which I see them heere inclined to send unto her Majestie with all their other informations, thereby to justifie whatsoever they have written heeretofore. But what course in conclusion will be taken by them, I can not yet conjecture. For in their publicke assembly it was never yet pro- posed to be finally resolved, and I finde them diversly affected in their privat communica- tions: some of them urging to send for him hither, and to proceede against his dealinges by order of justice: others requiring that some should be deputed to goe to Ostend, and there examine and determine, as shall be thought expedient. There are also some that thinke it best, that all their informations should be sent unto her Majestie with earnest request to revoke him from thens: whereto there are divers that would willingly condescend: but they would have the Garrison heereafter to be kept by a Governor and souldiers of the contrey. But to all these opinions there are among themselves, that doe make oppositions. For first they imagine that he will not come, all- though he were sent for: and to send unto him thither, they thinke it not convenient, where ma- ters are so evident, nor for the Councels reputa- tion. To pray her Highnes to revoke him, they hold it prejudicial to the liberties of the contrey, considering it is a mater in their disposition. That which is lest gainsaid, is the changing of the Garrison: which yet they are in doubt will not greatly please her Majestie to whose good liking, fol.354r
to say truly, they are willinger then they have bin, to conforme their proceedinges. These thinges are but privatly thus debated, and nothing yet sette downe by way of resolution. Howbeit I attend every houre their meeting upon it, whiche I thinke will be general, aswel of the statesas of the Councel. Wherewith I take my humble leave. From the Hage. August 30 31 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
