Letter ID: 1399
Reference: Kent U1475, C18/5, fol.171r- 172v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1399/008
Date: 23 March 1590



Addressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney chevalier et Governeur de la Ville de Vlissingnes

Later Addition: 1590 March 23



Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney

There was nothing in my letter, but your Lordship might see, nor I never have any, but yow may open very freely; albeit I am assured it was not with your will. With muche a doe I have overintreated this Councel, for a couple of companies to be sent to Ostend. But they must be Dutche, and they must be returned when the rest of their forces shall goe into the filde. And this they have done, to satisfie her Majestie for otherwise they knowe, that those alarmes, are devised by the Councell: and if his care be not the greater, to governe to their liking, he will pur- hase to himself a great deale of trouble. To that which Airnsma proposed to your Lordship I was never made privie, nor I knowe not as yet, by whome he was authorised, or what it was that he delivered. But I thinke he was sette a worke by those of Zeland. There is no- thing with /with/ us, that is ether newes, or like to newes, but Sir Thomas Baskerville, can discourse it all at large. I would be glad to heare from your Lordship of Captain Wraies imploiement, and of your good proceeding in that enterprise,and so for this present I comend your endevors to Gods good direction. From the Hage. 23 Marche. 1590 Your Lordships at commandement Tho. Bodley
