Reference: Kent U1475, C18/2, fol.162r - 163v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1396/008
Date: 9 February 1590
Note: At the words 'request, about your', the text continues perpendicular in the left hand margin.
Copies: 1000
fol.163vAddressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney /knight/ Lord Governor of the towne of Flushing
Endorsed: 6 February 1590
Later Addition: Sir Tho. Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
The more that I have to impart to your L/ordship/ the lesse is my leasure to impart it as I would For my often meeting with the states and Councel and my necessarie dispatches into England, doe so occupie all my time, as I am forced to be short or silent with my frindes. Sir John Norreis hath sent his letters and messengers to cause the companies to marche: and in case they cannot for the contrey, that then every Captain shall casse his owne company. The states to with- tand his proceeding, have sent their letters of charge, to all their townes and officers, where the Englishe are in Garrison, not to minister any meanes whereby they may passe. They have also framed a forme of Protest, whiche they have sent to Sir John Norreis, with an authentical Insinuation of the same to Sir Francis Vere, Sir Thomas Morgan, Sir Edward Norreis, and my self. And to tell yow very truly, I never see them in any thing so perplexed as in this; whereof I knowe not what successe Sir John Norreis doth expect. But for myself I am against his cassing of companies, it tending to no other but to the ruine of the companies, to the losse of those townes, where the Englishe only are in Garrison, and to the general detriment of the state of these Provinces. Because in this mater I am put in some trust, and must answear for my trust, if I doe not consaile for the best, I am fully resolved, whatsoever other course shall be taken by others, to direct mine owne actions to the indemnitie of the contrey. I am not unmindful of your L. request, about your cornet /of/ horse, but I take it to be /a/ fitter opportunitie to move it when this mater of Sir John Norreis is somwhat more overblowen. And so for this present /present/ I bidde your L/ordship/ most hartely farewell. From the Hage February 9 Anno 1590. Your L. at commandement Tho. Bodleyhref=""