Reference: Kent U1475, C18/1, fol.210r - 211v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1395/008
Date: 29 May 1590
fol.211vAddressed: A Monsier Monsier de Sidney Chevalier, et Gouverneur de la Ville de Vlissinges
Endorsed: Hague 20 May 1590 Tho. Bodley
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I have perused those Articles, which your L. sent unto me, and I have shortly sette downe, what I thinke of every point. There is very great reason in the most of them: but because the chiefest can not well be perfourmed, without some further order from her Majestie yow shall finde it a great ease, to delay their your answear till my L. of Buckhursts coming hither, and then to put them in good hope, of some speedy redresse, to their full contentment. This course is the best that I can thinke uppon: which yet your L/ordship/ will use with better dexteritie than I can expresse. whereuppon I com- mend it, and all your other actions to Gods good direction. From the Hage May 28 29 /15/90 Your L/ordships/ at commaundement Tho. Bodley.Postscript: Uppon closing up of this letter, I receaved your L/ordships/ of the 25 and have dealt with the Councel in your behalf. Howbeit they will take no answear to have your L. altogether excused, unles they may have, at the lest /one/ company.
Later Addition: I this Article