Letter ID: 0982
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.327r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0982/008
Date: 19 November 1590
Copy of: 0271



Endorsed: To my L. Treasuror November 19. 90



Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: November:

Later Addition: 1590 19 November To my L. Treasurer

May yt please your L. The pensyoner of whose name I advertised your L. the 28 of October & the 2 of November is returned who bringeth word for certain that there is no innovation in either of those two places that were spetially noted in the plott that I sent you, for hee hath employed a man of purpose, to take a view of the towne by whom he is infourmed, that the fort onely & the wall adjoyning to it which is marked in the forsaid platform with the lettre M. which was also that place which was ment to bee attented by those that failed of theyr purpose is better fortefied otherwise saving that the other garrison is somewhat renforced they have altered nothing in the towne, Moreover yt hath fallen out very happely, that the other partie that is of Zeland, with whom the pensyoner heer doth keep correspondence (as I have written unto you in my former lettres, hath bin lately in Picardy upon occasyon of buisines & hath mett there by chaunce with one of his old acquaintance an Inhabitant at this present of the towne afore signified a man very resolute honest & religious & one that is usually there employed about the water workes spetially those that appartain to the passages through the letter F. this man proceded so far in communication about the state of that town & the weakenes therof in sondry places, that hee gave to understand yf it were to procure the liberty of his countrey, hee would reveale asmuch as hee knew of certain commodious entrances & would not refuse to hazard him self with many /any/ compaines that should be sent by any prince to attempt the surprise, the other notwithstanding this insinuation made unto him by a spetiall frend & one that liveth in the towne it self thought yt not behooffull as then to discover himself furder then in general termes, so that then they departed affected both alike, & not resolving upon any thing never the les hee of Zeland doth build very much upon the good inclincation of the sayd party, & upon his meanes to advance the enterprise for the which he hath sent mee word by the Pensyoner that er yt be long he will be with me at the Hage to confer of the matter, & if I shall think yt good he will make a voyage of purpose into Picardy, & send for his friend to come thether unto him, with whom he will enter into farder practise as I shall advise him. Upon this offer I do attend his coming, & therafter as his remonstrance is unto me shall cary probability I will urge him to go seek his friendes to work so effectually with him as he may be Interessed in the action, I cannot write of this matter so plainely as I would, albeit it bee plainer then I would willingly adventure yf I had a cypher, which I trust your L. yf you find yt needfull will send with the soonest, howbeyt for mine owne indevor in this matter I hope to deale in such sort as either that which is intended shalbee thorowly effected, or nothing undertaken to her Majesties prejudice & so &c. November 1590.
