Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.286r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0975/008
Date: 09 October 1590
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: October.
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 9 October To Master Bodly
Sir. I have this daye delyvered my lettres to a servant of Coronells Stewardes directed to yowe for your assistance to furder his sutes for mony dew to hym by the states there. and though my lettre be ernestly wrytten to satisfye hym, yet Hir Majesty wold not have yow otherwise to deale therin, than yow shall fynd may stand with reason, in consideration, of the inhabillite of the states to defray so great somes as he demandeth, beyng as I do remembre for enterteynment of a great nombre of soldi- ors, that did revolt to the enemy.At this tyme hir Majesty is ernestly bent to attempt the matter which was offred to yow for the takyng of a town wherof yow sent a platt, and the Information how the same might be had with the nombre of 1200 men. I do not name the town, because I have no ciphre. but yow can not but know what I meane, for that your first lettres makyng mention war of the 23 of August and your second to answer sondry my questions war of the 20 of September. Now hir Majesty wold have yow renew your Conference with the party and if yow fynd hym to contynew in his former opinion, yow must with all spede send hym hyther Uppon some pretence of some other matter. for theruppon fol.286v
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: October.
Hir Majesty will certenly procede. and to that end we ar makyng 3000 men redy and shippyng, uppon pretence to send them to ostend, as the states Generall and the Counsell ther have required./And without this party, shall come hyther, we can not procede, and therfor I pray yow mak all the hast that yow can.
because I wold not have this matter slacked, I will to morrow, send an other lettre for this purposs lest on may be miscarryed./ From wyndsor. ix october 1590 Your assured loving frend William Burghley
Postscript: Many of the pety fortes lately taken, ar not expressed in any chartes that I have, I pray yow therfor, in some small paper, design them with ther biggar townes./