Letter ID: 0965
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.271r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0965/008
Date: 10 September 1590
Note: The paper is particularly thin, with a prominant watermark. Conservation work on the verso renders some of the text very faint.
Copies: 0656 



Later Addition: Belgia 1590. September

Later Addition: Belgia. 1590 10 September To Master Bodly

Sign Manual: Elizabeth R

Trusty and welbeloved we greet you well. Although we did verie latelie commaund our Threasurer of England in our name to require you withall speede to treate with the States both in generall and with the Councell there also, to procure that some enterprises might be taken in hand with theire forces and ours also, to make some incursions into the Enemies Countries, and speciallie into Flaunders now in the absence of the Duke of Parma with the greatest part of his forces, being nowe [.] [in] Fraunce Yet such is both our earnest desire, and our Judgement to hasten thesame grounded uppon sondrie great occasions to have it speedelie taken in hand, and prosented with all earnestnes, as we shall greatlie mislike and condemne both the States and Councell there, Yf they shoulde not with all theire good willes and powers, and that without delaie, or sparing of anie chardge, give order to have these enterprises taken in hand, whereby either these two effectes, or one is to followe, that is by this both to dampnefie the Enemy greatlie without perill, or at the least to dyvert the Enemies forces now in Fraunce, wherebie the french king might be the more free from danger of his estate, a matter so manifestlie necessarie, as every man of smale understanding can judge how needfull the same is. Wherefore you shall the use all the meanes you can there with the States, and with all Councellors there both publicklie and privatelie, to take this matter lyvelie in hande, for which purpose we have written our earnest lettres to thesaide States Generall, which you shall receave, and in deliverie thereof use all good parsuations to them not to make anie dilatorie consultation hereof, but forthwith to conclude uppon the executing of such enterprises, as the Count Moryce, to whome also we have written for this purpose, having chardge of theire forces, and Sir Francis Vere having chardge of ours shall with the advise and assistance of our Forces both in Berghen and Ostende conclude to be meet. And for that we fynde also speedelie to put in order certein new forces to be transported from this our Realme to Ostende, or some other porte on that Coast, which maie also Joyne with the forces of those Low Countries; We woulde fol.271v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: September

woulde have you to conferre with the partie that of late made an offer for Dunkirk, that it maie be well considered of, as at this tyme when these forces shalbe in those partes, the said enterprise maie be taken in hand, whereof we require you speedelie to advertise us his further purpose, and also to sende us aunsweare to certein Questions sent to you by our Tresoror of Englande. You shall doe well to give advice to the Count Moryce and Sir Francis Vere that according to the proportion of theire nombers there be sent with them [.] /by/ into Flaunders a reason[[able]] quantitie of victuell of bread and wyne for one [[moneth]] spare, within which tyme it is likelie this service shalbe performed Gyven under our Signett at our Castle of Windsor the xth of September 1590.
