Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.270r-270b.v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0964/008
Date: 07 September 1590
Note: The address leaf is mostly missing, obscuring the superscription.
fol.270bvEndorsed: 7 September 1590. From my L. Treasurer concerning points to bee resolved of, in the surprise of Dunkerk
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: August
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 7 September To Master Bodly
After my very harty Commedations. Of late I have receaved ij lres from yow on of the 27 /23/ the latter of the 27 of the last month to which these ar to gyve yow answer. For the first Concerning the matter of Donkerk, hir Majesty havyng seene both your lettres and the platt did at the first lyk greatly of the offer. but afterwardes, she moved these dowtes followyng wherof she desyreth to be farder informed.First to know what nomber of soldiors ar ordinarely in that town. of what nation. who is the Captayn or Governor. what nombre and of what strength ar the inhabitantes.
secondly whyther your Informer have any Intelligence of frendes in the town.
Thyrdly, with what nombres the town may be Garded from recovery ageyn by the enemy.
fourthly, how many parsons ar allredy acqueynted with this offer or how many on that syde the seas /and who they are that/ ar to be acqueynted therwith. of these questions, hir Majesty requireth answer with spede.
For the other lettres contening the Information gyven yow by meanes of Josepho, from on Renold peterson of Horn, concerning a spanyard of Arragon named as yow wryte hym, Pedro After she fyndeth the Circumstances for discovery of the man. very uncerten fol.270v
Later Addition: Belgia 1590: September.
for as it semeth, this peterson had his understandyng only by on Nicolas Messe of Embden, who told hym that he understood, of this pedro After to be apoynted to come into England to comitt some mischevooss fact. but no circumstance is shewed wherby to know the man, by his age, by Complexion nor by any other mark nor by what he shold come into England. wherfor hir Majesty requireth yow with all spede to persever in the Inquisition hereof, and of all meanes, wherby the man might be discovered And thus lackyng lesur to wryte more I end. the 7 of September 1590. Your assured loving frend William BurghleyPostscript: I have fully satisfied Master Wylkes accordyng to your reques