Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.242r-243v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0955/008
Date: 29 July 1590
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: July
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 29 July To my Lo. Treasurer
May it please your good L. what courses we have held with the general states, and what care we have taken for discharge of our duties, it will appeere by that letter, whiche we have jointly signed to my Lordes. Their publike answears are very strange and impertinent, and give us no kinde of hope, of good successe in our buisnes. We are only encouraged, by som what said by Barnevelt, whiche tendeth to some /a/ promise of a better satisfaction. But for mine owne parti- cular, I doe not build muche uppon it. For I knowe his vanitie in privat conference, and in our publike assemblies there /I see/ no man so opposit to all our demaundes. I was ever of opinion, that for a shewe to the world, they would seeme to doe somwhat, at her Majesties instance: but still I am persuaded, it will be litle to the purpose of that which is required. For they are setled so fast in their seat of Soveraigntie, that as long as they may rule, they will never be ruled: by her Majestie in speciall, or by any from her /Majestie/ that shall have any other power, then suche as they may limit.
Of the ouverture of peace, to be made by Richardot, wherof your L. hath written so ef- fectually unto us, I have nothing more to signifie, then is mentioned already, in my former letters. It is every mans persuasion, that some devise will be found, to propose it to this people: but I see not yet in any /man/ any maner of inclination to hear- ken unto it. And of this I would /[.]/ assure yow, if in maters contingent it might any way beseeme me to deliver /any/ speeches of assurance. Whiche yet fol.242v
Later Addition: Belgia 1590: July
I speake but in respect of their present affecti- ons, and of the affections of those that are of som qualitie. For I am otherwise informed, by those that seeme to knowe it, that the poorer sort of these contreis, are so daily overhalled wt the charge of these warres, and so highly discontented with the forme of this government as they are almost indifferent, to embrace any change, This assembly of the states, doth give it out in other sort as if theire /their contrey/ government were nowe so quiet, and the affaires of their estate /their state/ so orderly conducted, as the like hath /had/ not bin for many yeres before. Whiche is only so avouched, for a present shift against her Majestie. For the only reason why they stande in good /better/ termes at this present /then heretofor/ is because the Enemie hath bin occupied in domesticall dissention, and his courses impeached by the tro- bles in Fraunce: wheras /it is/ otherwise /evident that/ within the space of this yere, their want of good government, hath bin the losse of the towne of Berke, and of the Fortes of Blienbecke, Rees, /and/ Hemart &c. and of the ex- traordinarie paiments of above 7000 li sterling, for the appeacing of the mutinies, of Sgravenwert, Lifkenshoeke, Swartsluice, and other places. And nowe at this present, the discontentments are so many among their martial people, and suche va- riances growen between Province and Province, the Councel of state and the general states, and some of the chiefest townes in Holland, that many men affirme, if the enemie for a time would forbeare to molest us, /surcease his warres/, their state would come to fol.243rLater Addition: Belgia: 1590: July
ruine by civill distraction. These, and other like occasions; may drawe them in con- tinuance /in part or in whole/ to accord with the Enemie. But as their humors are nowe, there is nothing in /I see no/ apparance of any suche disposition. And thus not to iterat those pointes, which Master Wilkes in his letters hath discoursed at large, I take my humble leave &c. Julij Anno 90. A I cold I cold propose som other pointes, to be considered by your L. but because Master Wilkes hath promised to do it, and your L. hath [a worde] of [there-] [.] discourses, I will forbear from trobling to be any longer /from further length/ and take my humble leave.href=""