Letter ID: 0950
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.229r-230v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0950/008
Date: 22 July 1590
Note: The right hand edge of paper (c.2.5cm) is folded over onto itself. There is a discoloured oily blot present, probably from the wax seal. 'SS' appears at the bottom of f.229r, below the text. The superscription is cut and pasted onto a later folio sheet. T
Copy of: 0251



Later Addition: Belgia: 1590. July.

Addressed: To our trusty & welbelovid Thomas Wilkes and Thomas Bodley esquiers, our servitors in the lowe Countreyes/.


Later Addition: Belgia : 1590:



Later Addition: Belgia: 1590

Later Addition: Belgia. 1590 22 July To Master Bodly

By the Queene.

Sign Manual: Elizabeth R

Trusty and welbelovid, we greete you well, Ye shall understand that heer have bene three Captens which heertofore have servid in Camphire namid Joysse van den Einde, Carselis Palant, & peter de Costere, who have infourmid us that notwithstanding they have by the space of xviij yeeres or theraboutes servid as Captens & born Armies under the Prince of Orenge, in the garrison of Camphire to the contentation of the Conte Maurice and the States generall. And for that whan our late Cousin the Erle of Leycester was gouvernour generall of those Provinces, They were commaunded by him to as leefully they thought he might doo, not to depart with their companyes out of the sayde Towne, which he did order for the safety of the same against the common ennemy, Yet nevertheles upon that pretext and upon som other demonstrations of their good will towardes us and our service, they were by the States general refused to be contynued in their charges, And whereas were, as it appeered reproovid for serving of us, though we had receavid the wholle country into our protection, Wherupon we caused it to be signified to the States generall by the L. Willoughby our Lieutenant, and Henry Killegrew our Counsaylour there, That we had great cause to myslyke such unkinde proceedinges of the said States generall against them having no other matter wherwith they might be charged but that upon the commandem[ent] of the Erle of Leycester that was Gouvernour generall of all the Provinces, they did promise eyther by oth or otherwise to be serviceable to us, not therby having a meaning eyther on our parte to drawe them from the service of the publick cause of the Countrey, nether did they refuse to doo service for the defence of the Town, And upon these considerations the States seemed well content at our motion for their favour, Wherupon followed an accorde by certain Articles betwixt the Conte Mauri[ce] & the States on the one partie, and the said captens on the parte by which the said captens were restored, as it appeereth by the articles of the accorde, to the favour of the States, & of the Conte Maurice, and to their places of service with remission or rather oblivion of all thinges that had passed to have moovid offence, Wherwith we found our selfe very well satisfied, and accepted the same thankfully for the said Captens behalfe & their companyes, But notwithstanding this accorde, the Captens doo now inform Us that contrary to the same & to the promise of the Conte Maurice under his hand writing, the said captens are by the States & Conte deprived of their companyes, And their paymentes upon their fol.228v

Later Addition: Belgia 1590. July:

accomptes refused, Which being true, We have good cause to think our selves highly touched in reputacion. And therfore not knowing any furder matter wherupon to judge but the informacion of these captens, We have graunted to them that we will cause the state of their cause to be declared to the States generall, & to require a redresse therof, And for this purpose we doo by these poyntes will & require you to take all such informacions as the said captens bringing these our lettres unto you shall give you wherby you may see the grounde of their complainte then made unto us, to be apparantly true, And afterwardes, with as conven[[ien]]t speede as you may, ye shall in our name expressly require the States general to receave your informacion as recommended by us from us, And moove them to observe thaccorde & all tharticles that have bene made betwixt them and the Conte Mauryce with the said captens upon the solicitacion of the L. Willoughby & [Henry] killegrew which ye may alledge they can not violate without prejudice of our hono[ur]. And therfore we wish them to have more regarde therof, than of any particuler proffit or other displesure towardes the said Captens, having bene men of good service, Against whom the worst they coulde alledge was that they by commandement of their own generall therle of Leycester, did as all honest captens ought to have don, promise eyther by oth or otherwise to keepe that Town safe, & allso to serve us, to whom the whole country was committed in protecting. So as whatsoever might be construed to be service unto us ought not by any reason be comptid but profittable allso to the Wholle countrey, & to the States generall. And so you may affirm that we doo precisely accepte the services of all parsons that are or can be don to us in those countreis, ought to be in reason and judged to be to the service & benefytt of the wholle states of those provinces being in our protection. for if any other construction be made against any that have offred or shall offer to serve us there, whilest we have the protection of those countreis, We shall have cause to think all our forces & charges bestowed upon them to be ungratefully receavid by them. Given under our Signet at our Mannor of Grenwich the xxijth of July 1590 in the xxxijth yeere of our Raigne/
