Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.207r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0944/008
Date: 18 July 1590
Note: Wilkes' signature is supplied by Bodley.
fol.207vAddressed: To my LL. of the Councell July 18. 90.
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 July
Later Addition: [[.]] 18 July To my L. Treasurer
May it please your LL. to be advertised, that in our conference with the General States, about the affaires of our charge, we are /have bin/ earnestly intreated /requested/ by the Whole Assembly, to addresse our instant letters to your LL for the release of certaine shippes /gooddes/ of these contreis, which have bin lately taken by Sir Martin Forbysher, and sent into the West partes of England. We have required their demaund in writing, and they have delivered us that, wher- of we send your LL. the copie, seeming all of them to grieve exceedingly at this impechement of their trafficke, the dommage whiche their mar- chants sustene, and the ill usage otherwise, which hath bin offered there unto them. For our owne partes, we have endevored to persuade them, that this /their/ complaint of their marchants is more am- plified in wordes, then there is cause in deede, and that it will be heard by your LL. with all the equitie and favour, that they can any way require. Nevertheles to induce them the sooner to yelde her Majestie /good/ contentment in that which we negotiat, and to stoppe the mouthes of malignant persons, which take this occasion already, and, as we are informed, folowe it very bitterly, to sturre this people against her Highnes we beseeche your LL. that it may stande with your pleasures, to affourd us /them/ some suche answear to be imparted heere unto them, as ether, if there cause so require, they may be satisfied with it or may perceave that we have written to procure their satisfaction. And so we take our humble leave. From the Hage. July 18. Anno 1590. Your LL. most humble at commaundement Thomas Wilkes. Tho. Bodley.href=""