Letter ID: 0940
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.195r-196v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0940/008
Date: 09 July 1590
Note: On fol.195r there is a signature of LL.



Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: July

Later Addition: Belgia 9 July

Later Addition: Belgia 1590 July 9

It may please your L. to be advertised, that I have receaved a singular solace, by her Majesties letter unto me, and likewise by that of your L. of the 18 of June. From her Majestie I am autorised to joine with Master Wilkes, in these affaires of his message, and I am also assured, of her gratious acceptation of my service in this place. Howe muche I am conforted by it, I would acknowledge with all humilitie, by writing to her Highnes but be- cause I may presume, that there is no suche letter expected from me, and because these favors are procured by your L. good reportes, I beseeche yow most humbly to continew them still unto me, to vouchesafe the presentation of my humblest thankes unto her Highnes and to give your worde in my behalf, that as farre as I am able, I will perfourme very carefully the duties of my charge.

Astouching your L. not only nowe, by this letter of her Majestie but I knowe it otherwise, and I finde it most apparant by many of your letters, that I am singularly steeded, and my actions graced, by your honorable patronage. For whiche I hold it superfluous to use any length, or circumstance of speeche, in geving thankes unto yow, but yet I can not forbeare to signifie thus muche, that whatsoe- ver is in me, that hath moved your L. to beare me this affection, both I hope I shall encrease it, to your better contentment, and yow shall never finde in any a more thankfull disposition.

Because Master Wilkes will advertise in what sort we proceede, and what we have proposed to the General states, I will not trouble your L. with a double rehersal. But whether it be for want of autoritie from their Provinces (whiche we have cause to suspect) or for some other occasion, we have had no answear as yet, to any thing proposed fol.195v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: July

It is a maine unto us, that we want the good assistance of the Councel of state, who by commaun- dement of the General states are removed from hens, and gone to Arnham. It is pretended by [In margin: The Councell of state removed to Arnham]
the states to be very requisit, in regard of their being neerer to the Campe, to take better order upon every accident of the warres. Howbeit the Councel not finding suche a special necessaitie, withstoode it for a time, till it came on bothe sides to a publicke protest. But yet fearing in the ende, that greater inconvenience might growe of suche discord, they resolved in the end to depart, and are in Arnham at this present. I am also almost out of dout, and so are others of this councel, that it was a mater purposely contrived, to ridde them out of the way, while these affaires of her Majestie are in Treaty: whiche will appeare, if it be so, by their further proceedinges. The fort before Nieumeghen hath gone but slowly forward, [In margin: fort at Newmeghen.]
by reason those of the towne have shotte continually at the workmen, whereby they have bin forced to labour most by night. Nevertheles it is sup- posed, that all will be finished, with in a sevenight at the furthest. I am told by Master Wikes, that Master Ortel caused him to move her Majestie to ac- cept the offer of Groeninghen, and to undertake the [In margin: Ortels motion touchinge Groninghen.]
action for her self, as a thing that would be grate- full, to the states of these contreis. I doe very much mervel at his dealing in this order. For I doe assure yoour L. it was never so resolved at any time, nor so muche as motioned by the General states: as if it had bin, they would ether have made the Coun- cel of state, the states of Frize, Count William, or my self acquainted with it. Considering that he can not be ignorant, that we have taken hitherto a farre other course, with her Majesties privitie and allo- wance, he was to have used a better correspondence. fol.196r

Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: July

For Count William doth relie uppon the benefit of her Majesties letter, in suche sort as your L. may re- member /he requested/ her Highnes and as yow may perceave, he doth determine still, by the copie of his last unto me, whiche I send your L. heerewith. Master Ortel himself, as I am persuaded, is a well wisher to her Majesties proceedinges, but in very truth I doe finde that in the affaires of these Provinces, he is muche abused from some. For whiche it may please your L. to re- quire him to signifie, by whome he was autorised to make the forsaid motion. If it proceede of him- self, it were too great a presumption to deale with- out the privitie of those that are heere: but if any others from hens have sette him a worke, there is some mysterie in the mater, whiche I thinke upon his answear, I should be able to discover. For I am very well assured, that he had no suche com- mission, from the states of these contreis: as I am thorowly informed, by some of their assembly.

There be divers heere, that affirme for certaine, that Richardot hath in charge, to make two offers to the inhabitants of these Provinces, The one is of a general pardon, and freedome of consci- [In margin: 2 offers to be made by Richardot.]
ence to all those that being strangers borne, will re- tire themselves from hens, to their native Provinces. The other is, that whatsoever graunt shall passe from the states of Brabant and Flanders, by way of Treaty with these united Provinces, aswell in respect of religion, as otherwise, shalbe fully ratified by the King. It is douted of some, that if the first Article were published, it will drawe from these contreis exceeding great nombers: because every towne is replenished with alienes, and suche as are weary of this kinde of government. And when so ma- ny are departed, these contreis will be greatly weak- ned, aswell for want of the men, as of their ordinary contribution. fol.196v

Later Addition: Belgia: July: 1590

It is also to be feared for the second point, that the ex- ample of the forsaid alienes, will move the commons of these Provinces, who are also discontented with their goverment, to force their superiors and magistrats, to accept a Treaty of peace, upon good conditions: which, it is thought, if they could be brough to confe- rence with Brabant and Flanders, will be largely graunted, and to their liking. Nevertheles I can not yet perceave, as I signified in my last, that the chiefest of qualitie, and the marchants heere, who beare the greatest sway among the people, will wil- lingly listen to any of those offers. For they were never so wealthy, as they are at this present, and for mater of religion, I doe not commonly see them so affected, that I can any way thinke, that they will postpose the profit of their purse, to en- joy the libertie of their conscience. What hath passed between Count Maurice, and Sir Francis Vere, Master Wikes will signifie to your L. and his owne letter to her Majestie will notifie further. I would his protestations and actions would concurre more effectually. For, to my understanding, I knowe not any by whome her Majestie may be better served, with the good contentment of this people, then by Count Maurice. But having written therof more at large heretofore, I take my humbly leave. From the Hage Julij 9 1590. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
