Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.178r-179v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0934/008
Date: 13 June 1590
fol.179vAddressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England
Endorsed: 13 Junij 1590 Master Bodeleie to my L./.
Later Addition: Belgia
Later Addition: Belgia 13 Junij 1590
Later Addition: bis
It may please your L. to receave a copie of that whiche yow willed in your last of the 23 of May to be proposed to the states, and their answear unto it. Accordingly as they have signified, I can not any way perceave, that ether the states in General, or any Province in particular, hath autorised St Aldegonde, to make that motion to the Kinge. Uppon the receat of their answear, Master Wilkes arrived at the Hage, by whome I am in- formed, that her Majestie doth not finde that mater so cleere, as the advertisment was given, and ther- fore is not willing, to have it spoken of. Howbeit, before your L. letter came hither, as I signified in my last, it was a constant speeche among many, and so it is yet, that Justinus the Viceadmiral of Zeland, was to deale with the King to some suche purpose. And whether it be true, or otherwise, ether of him, or of St Aldegonde, by meanes of this advertisment, they are so made afraide in this place, of her Majesties vigilance in those causes, as I thinke hereafter, they will not easely enter into suche kinde of practises. Master Wilkes hath made me acquainted with his Instructions, and I have noted unto him divers principal pointes, to which I could wishe that her Majestie had bin privy, before his comming from home. Nevertheles, as they are, I will doe my best endevor, to cotnent her Majestie: and if the states be not bent, to some other innovation of their states, there may be some hope of a good reformacion. For that point, concerning a General to be sent, for the commaunding of the forces, of both contreis, whether it be best for her Majestie your L. knoweth. But for ought I can per- ceave, the great dislike which they have conceaved heretofore of Inglishe Generals hath bin suche, and nowe the affection of this people towardes Count fol.177vLater Addition: Belgia 1590: June:
Maurice is so great, besides the proofes whiche he she- weth of his valewe and sufficiencie, as I see no like- lihoode, that they will yelde to any governor above him: being already governor of fower of these Pro- vinces. And under humble correction to say my opinion, besides that it will drawe her Highnes to a further charge, I can not imagine that the affaires of these contreis; will take a better course by that meanes. For if Count Maurice would keepe a good correspondence with her Majestie wherto I have not found by his dealing that he is greatly inclined, I see not, all thinges considered, howe her Majestie could choose a better Lieutenant. That publike declaration, which Master Wilkes hath brought, signed by her Majestie against the mutins of these contreis, be- cause it hath bin shewed Master Ortell, and is noti- fied heere already, I knowe not what to say unto it. Otherwise I should have thought it my duty, to put her Majestie in remembrance, that according to for- mer promises, which these men have made, as I thinke Master Caron can calle to minde, there might also have passed a graunt from them, of a general Obliance of all maters, wherof the said parties are accused. Whiche I make no dout, but they would have granted very willingly, if it had bin stoode uppon, and I doe wishe Master Wilkes to urge it as yet. For there are many among those pretended mutins, that are deepely wronged, as her Majestie hath often caused to be signified heere unto them. It may happely seeme a great deale better, that a fewe should smarte, /then/ that the defense of suche persons should make a disunion between her Majestie and these Provinces. But the truth is, thoughe the parties na- med heere, are but fewe, yet their frindes and welf welwillers, and other like affected are many, fol.178rLater Addition: Belgia 1590: June
And her Majestie hereafter, uppon any occasion, as there may be many ministred, should have neede of any frindes, to take her part in these contreis, I knowe not whether this declaration will not sticke in their stomakes. It is a mater that hath slept heere a long time, so as we did beleve, it was not respected. And I can not but mervell, at whose requisition it hath bin revived, not perceaving any way that it proceedeth from the states. Because these are two pointes of special importance, I thought to signi- fie my opinion, which I doe not doubt but your L. will alwaies accept. It is her Majesties plea- sure in her letter to the states, that I should joine with Master Wilkes in maneging these affaires; but I have no letter of warrant to my self, nether from her Highnes nor from my LL of the Councel. I beseeche your L. to consider howe muche it doth behove me in maters of suche moment, to have somwhat to shew, for mine owne discharge. I have hitherto sustened many bruites of thwarte proceedinges in this place, and all in respect of the sharpe messages, which it hath pleased her Majestie and my LL of the Councel to give me in charge to deliver to the states. And if nowe at last in some sort, I might ether have bin deputed, or jointly committed for proposing some gratefull maters, it would have bin both a comfort and a credit unto me, and while my service is used, a very great furtherance to her Majesties pu purposes. For thoughe there were mater of dislike between me and some heere, in respect of the forsaid propositions, yet it never came to suche termes, but that had I knowen her Majesties pleasure to yelde so farre in many thinges, as I doe at this present, being heere in place, and knowing those courses which are to be held with most of them, I doe not dout but by fol.178vLater Addition: Belgia: 1590: June:
degrees I should have brought all thinges to a better passe, then I feare we shall be able uppon this sod- daine proposal. At my first comming hither, I doe assure your L. a third part of those causes, that were handled heere in councel, was mater of complaint against the disorders of her Majesties subjects. Howbeit at this present, we heare so seeldome of any thing, as I thinke it unpossible for any straunge nation to serve more quietly among them. What continuall care I have taken, and what good meanes I have used, to effect this good usage and liking on bothe sides there is not one of this Councel, but will witnes it, and so will those that commaund for her Majestie. I protest unto your L. I have written this muche most unwillingly, as more desirous to have had it acknowledged by the events of thinges, then by mine owne declaration. But I have lost a great testimony for my self in Master Secretary Walsingham who as well by my letters, as by other informacions, might perceave my proceedinges. and nowe, your L. excepted, I am utterly uncertaine whether any honorable personage be acquainted with my astions actions. were it not that I had reposed my trust in your L. wisdome and goodnes towardes me, I would not use this forme of stile in writing to your L. But I am somwhat secure in that regard, and therfore beseeche yow most humbly to continew me still in a gratious opinion both of her Majestie and of my LL., and not any longer in ether, then my care- full service shall deserve it. It is ad- vertised hither from sundrie places, that Richardot hath bin a sutor to the Pope, in the King of Spaines behalf, to graunt to these contreis, by way of dispensation, freedome of religion. And I can not ghesse, whether it be so intended in dede, or it be but a practise for the time, to putte bees in fol.179rLater Addition: Belgia: 1590: June:
the headdes of this people, ether thereby to sturre some dissention among them, or to procure some other disturbance in their proceedinges. Nevertheles I see no likelihoode of any good he shall doe by suche offers. For whatsoever is heere pretended, I doe not commonly see them so fervent in religion, as that they will preferre it above the profitte of their traffique. And as for Holland and Zeland, the gentlemen excepted, whiche live by their re- venues, the common marchants and artisans, are almost all of them richer by these warres, at lest by the doubble, then they were in time of peace, or are like to be heereafter, if Brabant, Flan- ders, and other Provinces, should participat in their traffique. This day Master Wilkes had his audience, whiche had no mater to be advertised, consisting wholy of complements. And so I take my humble leave. Junij 13. 90. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodleyhref=""