Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.170r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0929/008
Date: 30 May 1590
fol.170vEndorsed: [[To my L.]] of Buckhurst May 30. 90.
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 May
Later Addition: Belg[ia] 159[0] 30 M[ay] To my [L.] Buckh[urs]t
Right honorable & my very good L. I [am] don to witt, that her Majestie hath entreated you to make a voyage into these contreys for the care of those maladies that disease this goverment. It may happely be that [her] Majesties disposition is very much against yt for the affaires are very tedious & full of intricat troubles. Nevertheles I can assure your self upon knowledge there ys such a general longing for your coming & such meanes wilbe offred of spetiall assistaunce, as yt cannot but affect sum singular good./ Yf your first appointment had held about 12 monethes since yt was easyer about that time then yt is at this present, to order every thing well & to her Majesties liking, but now ambitious humors have had so much leysure to parsuad, & to practise what they list to serve their secret & prviate desseins, as I dout hereafter they will not think yt for their credits to [.] alter theyr courses. I would yt were not so apparant as I do expresse yt, but for mine owne parte I stand assured, & yt is a comfort unto me that your L. shall parceave yt that matters have bin caried worse yn these countreyes then by waie of writing from mee could conveniently be signified. Howbeyt I referr the consyderation of all these causes to your coming to this place intending onely by this letter to beseech you very humbly to command my service, yf in any thing before your arrivall or wheresoever otherwise you shall have cause to use me & thens I take my humble leave Hagehref=""