Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.141r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0925/008
Date: 12 May 1590
Note: The text is written in landscape format. There is a large rip in the top left corner, and the ink has bled through from the folio being folded in on itself. There is a signature - 'A' - on the middle of the bottom edge.
fol.141rLater Addition: Belgia 1590 12 May To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia 1590: May.
Later Addition: 1590 12 May To Master Bodly
Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
By the Queene: [Tr]usty and welbelovid, wee [greate] yow well. Wheare both by yowr Lettres directed to owr Thresurer [of] England, and by the messinger named Christopher Percivall, and the lettres of Comte William of Nassau wee understand that theare hath been such a secreat Treatie with sondrie of the Magistrates and Burghesses of Groningen, that theare is great hope of the deliverie of that towne from the bondage and service of the Spaniardes, and to reunite the same with the other Provinces: And that sondrie of the said Burgesses, beinge of such a good disposicion, have had Intelligence with yowe in secreatt manner for the accomplisshinge thereof. Therefore wee doe authorize yowe by thes owr present lettres, both to deliver to such of them as yowe shall thinke meete owr lettres, which wee have cawsed to be written in Flemishe, And signed with owr hand, and also by yowr owne wordes or writing in owr Name assure them, that wee shall allowe of theire Actions in reunitinge themselves to theire Naturall Neighbours of the United Provinces, And that wee shall yeld to them for theire defence and Continuance in theire union, with theire Naturall Patriottz, the like favors and maintenaunce as wee doe to the rest of the Cuntries of Holland, Zeland, Utrecht, Freseland, and the rest united with them, for theire defence against the tirannie of the Spaniard: And for yowr treatie or promisses to be made to them, this shall be yowr sufficient warrant, being signed with owr hand, and sealed under our Signet at our Mannor of Grenwhich the xijth of May 1590 in the xxxijth yeere of owr Raigne/href=""