Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.138r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0923/008
Date: 11 May 1590
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: May
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 xj May to Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodeley.
Sir. After my vearie hartie Commendacions: I have recei- ved your lettre written at good length towchinge the matter of Groningen, whearein yt semeth yowe have both wiselie and discretelie managed that matter. whearewith I have acquainted hir Majestie, whoe noe lesse commendeth and alloweth of your pro- ceadinges thearein, and the onelie doubt hir Majestie hath, is the secrett cariage of the matter, whereof she [hath] summ cawse to dowbt in that the same hath been imparted to her /councell of the/ states, which maie cawse [som] danger in the effecting of the same, if yt should be knowen to them /of groningen/ that thei had [un]derstanding of the matter I have also spoken at good length with Christopher Percevall, whoe as yt semeth hath been the principall dealer in this matt[er] and understood of him his good hoope theare is that the s[.] will take success. Her Majestie hath been pleased according to your advise and opinion to write hir l[ettres] in Dutche to th[ose] of Groningen, according to the Copie sent by yowe in Fl[emish] which hearewith yowe shall receave: And whereas [Count] Guillaumme hath written his perticuler lettre to hir Majestie in th[at] cawse, yowe shall cease the not awnswearing theareof at th[e] time /by any lettre/ for that the spedie dispatche of this matter which would have me delaie for feare of the discoverye of the purpose is cawse that the same is forborne at this time, as any other matter written of to your self: yowe maie lett him understand, that besides the affectionat desier he hath to doe hir Majestie service, she is sure that for his owne perticular interest in this Action.he will by all the meanes he cann advaunce and sett forwardes the same, wheareof hir Majestie maketh noe doubt, And that the same be handled with all secrecie which otherwise might overthrowe the whole succes thereof. And so for this time I Commend me hartelie to you. From the Cort this xjth of Maye. 1590. Your assured loving frend. William Burghley.
Postscript: My L. of Buckhurst is in conference with me about the causes of those lowe Contreis and shall as spedely as he can transport hym self thyther