Letter ID: 0919
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.121r-124v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0919/008
Date: 28 April 1590
Note: On fol.121r there is a signature of a capital 'W' at the base of the page.
Copy of: 1357


Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England

Endorsed: 28 April 1590 Master Bodelie to my L. Gronighen


Later Addition: Belgia: 28 April 1590


Right honorable and my singular good Lord, having lost Master Secretary Walsingham, whome I can not name unto yow, with any moderat grief, I beseeche your L. to hold me excused, that I put yow to some troble in this addresse of my letters. For though I am not ignorant that your L. should be spared in suche respectes, yet because I un- derstand not as yet, whome her Majestie hath ap- pointed to the exercise of that office, and because the mater which I signifie, is of special conse- quence, I trust your L. will passe it with a fa- vorable acceptation. I doe not dout but your L. hath bene made acquainted with my former advertisments about the towne of Gro- ninghen. It was an assured persuasion of divers gentlemen of Friseland, Embden, and other places, who writte unto me about it, that the inhabitants of that towne were so weary of the spaniard, and so wel affected to her Majestie that if those good meanes were used, which her Highnes with a small charge might put in execution, they would be easely drawen to submitte themselves unto her. Alwaies pro- vided at they might not any way be subject to the states of these contreis. This I cer- tified home, with all the informacions, which I recea- ved from the parties. Master Secretary made me answear, That her Majestie by reason of her excessive charges otherwise, would not enter into a further expense, by sending over ether mony or forces; but if by using her name, autoritie fol.121v

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and countenance, they could finde the meanes to withstand or annoy the Enemie, I should give them that way what encouragement I could. The effect of this answear I imparted present- ly to those, from whome the motion first procee- ded. Who signified againe, that there was no hope of any good to be done, unles her Majestie would vouchesafe to send her letters to the towne, promise to maintene both them and their liberties against their Enemies, and cause to be presented suche further assistance and succors before the towne, as having revolted they might be able assuredly to make it good against the Enemie. Fin- ding her Majestie thus unwilling to take the enter- prise in hand, in respect of the charge, and in those of Groninghen no maner of inclination to deale with the states: considering also that if her Highnes should attempt any thing in those quarters, without the privitie of the states, it would be both hardly perfourmed, and give a great cause of suspition to people already not the best af- fected, I knewe no better course, for the conten- tacion of all parties, then to acquaint the Councel of state with the whole mater. Which I did accordingly For I declared heere unto them what offers had bin made unto her Majestie for what cause she refused them, howe willing she was that the contrey should take the benefit of using her autoritie, what letters had bin written unto me from sundrie places and persons, and what answears I retur[-] ned. In effect I made as many circumstances knowen unto them, as might induce them to advise howe to reape the fruit of that overture. fol.122r

Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: Aprill

Wheruppon it was resolved that I should per- sist in writing to those of Embden, and take as perfit informacion, as I could, of the nombers of them that were well affected in Groninghen, of the meanes whiche they had to compasse their pur- pose, with suche other pointes besides, as the enter- prise required. And this I did from time to time to their satisfactio, alwais shewing those letters whiche I writte and receaved. Moreover to the end I might the better stand as- sured of the true estate of all thinges, I sent this bearer Christopher Persivall, a man well ac- qauinted in those quarters, to my frindes at Emb- den: who of a speciall devotion to the service, adventured uppon his owne charge, and not without great daunger, to approche within half a mile of the towne, /of Groninghen/ where he taried certain daies in a village, and had daily conference with divers Burghers; whiche resorted unto him at several times, and gave him intelligence of the /disposition of the/ commons, with suche other particularities, as he himself will declare. For which good service I have put him heere in hope, that by your L. meanes he shalbe somwhat considered. In one of my letters, which I writte by him to those of Embden, I had signified that we had certaine intelligence by letters newly intercepted, at the Duke of Parma was reso- lutly bent, by one meanes or other, to place a Garrison in Groninghen, and to that purpose had charged Verdugo the Governor there, to take the first and spediest opportunitie. This letter of mine was sent by those of Embden into Groninghen, uppon the sight wherof the people cau- sed all the Spaniardes and Fributters in the towne, fol.122v

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to the nomber of 200 and more, to avoide presently and withall ordered that Verdugo himself should not come neere any port in the night time. Not to troble your L. with a tedious rehersall of all that hath passed, the Councel of state, and likewise Count William the Governor of Frise, who hath also confer- red both with them and with me in this mater, doe apparantly finde that the interposition of her Majesties autoritie, may allure the towne by good meanes, to unite themselves with these Provinces. And seing her Majestie to whome they should seeme to be only addicted, will not deale for her self, nor those of the towne be persuaded to yeld unto the states, from whome thei have revolted, it is thought that there is no readier way to atchieve the enterprise with a general good liking, then to intreat her Majestie to signe to that letter, or the like in substance, as I have sent heerewith to your L. whiche is written in the Flemmishe tongue, by the advise of the Councel be- ause fewe in Groninghen understand the Frenche, and it is very expedient, that it should be under- tood of the common people. I have sent the trans -lation with it, and likewise a letter from the Councel to her Highnes, and an other from Count William. It is intended, that when the letter whiche is desired to be signed by her Highnes shalbe returned, Sir Francis Vere, who lieth at Disbourgh, within one daies jorney of Groninghen, shall joine his forces with Count William, who are able bothe together to raise 3000 men, the Enemie not having in all that terr- torie above 2000, and shall present themselves before the towne, sending in the said letter by a trum- pet or drumme. Wheruppon it is conceaved, that if her Majesties frindes be the greater nomber, they will fol.123r

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presently come to capitulat: or if thei be the weaker part, yet finding forces without, they will happely be able to deliver a port, or give some other entrie unto them. Howsoever it succeed, the attempt hath nether charge nor daunger, /and/ in all probablitie will endommage the Enemie in one sort or other. To animat somewhat more those within the towne, I have given it out, that I hope her Majestie wilbe wonne in time, to drawe the trade of her Marchants Adventurers thither, whereto thei listen very gladly. I can not also omitte, to make it knowen to your L. that Count William doth persuade himself, that if the enterprise take place, her Highnes will be pleased to committe the towne to his government. And were it otherwise, I doe assure my self, that nether he nor the states of Frisewould in- termeddle in this Action, but rather hinder it by all possible meanes. Wherein to deliver my opinion to your L. his sufficiencie considered, against whiche there is no exception, the pre- sent means that he hath to assist the towne out of Friseland, and also the right which he pretendeth to the government, as being a parcel of that whiche he hath in Frise, I can not for mine owne part conceave, howe any other person, can better fitte with the people or the place. I have made no mention to your L. what reciprocall assurance wilbe yelded from the towne: but I doe plainely perceave that they will not admitt any Garrison. Some cautionarie places, it is thought, they will de- liver: which can not yet be knowen, till the mater come in question. And thus I have imparted to your L. a desseigne of suche moment, as yow /it/ may please /yow/ to consider, and relate unto fol.123v

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her Majestie procuring unto it suche dispatche of answear, as your L. wisdome shall judge conve- nient. I finde it very requisit to advertise your L. that the Councel heere hath daily intelligence from the towne of ostende, that there groweth suche contention between the Governor and some of the Captaines, at if it be not compoun- ded in time, it may cause uppon the soddain the losse of the place. I am urged uppon it to goe thither, and to mediat some better agreement. But because I doe presume, that those maters are knowen to my LL. of the Councel, and will be redressed by their autoritie, I have put them of till suche time, as I receave an answear from your L. For I am out of all hope to make any good atton- ment, unles I be namely autorised unto it, aswell from my LL. at home, as from the Councel heere.

The last orders, whiche were sent unto me from my LL. of the Councel, for a general muster to be taken of all her Majesties forces, whiche I receaved together with several letters to the seve- rall Governors, I doe still reserve, untill the Councel heere shall determine, to put them in ex- ecution; which they could not sins so conveniently doe, because her Majesties forces in service lie disper- sed in Disbourgh, Williamstat, And Breda. But the orders are very well liked, and shalbe practised, with the first opportunitie. It may so falle, that in my next to your L. I shall send yow worde of some happy exploit uppon the towne of Nieumeghen. Count Maurice, Count William, Count Overstein, and Sir Francis Vere are appoin- ted to goe thither with as many men as they can make, which by disfournishing for the time their Gar- risons, will amount to the nomber of 4000 foote fol.124r

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and 400 horse. The day is assigned the last of this moneth: and the mater is kept so se- cret, as the Enemie, I trust, will be taken un- provided. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 28 April 90. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
