Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.114r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0917/008
Date: 18 April 1590
Copy of: 0239
Endorsed: To Master Secretary April 18. 90
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: April
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 18 Aprill To Master Secretary
It may please your H. to be advertised that I rxd your lettres of the 6 of marche the 5 of Aprill together with hir Majesties to the general States & to Count Maurice. The general states have dispatched copies of her highnes lettres to theyr Provinces from whom they expect a speedy resolution. In the mean season they seem to make an difficulty about the accomplishing of her demand, Also Count Maurice being Admirall hath [.] therin his utter moste furtherance, declaring unto mee that all theyr ships are in a verie good readines & that their wanteth no more but the contrey to resolve & her Majesty to send hether. The present answer which is made by those that are here for the generall states I have sent your H. herewith & otherwise a lettre from the Count The late charge which I rxd from my LL of the Counsell with my L. Treasorers lettres conteyning divers pointes, wherin I was to deal with the general States I have answeryd in my lettre to my LL. & to my L. Treasorer from whom yt may please your H. to Rx the information of all that I have certified. &c. Hage. April 90