Letter ID: 0916
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.113r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0916/008
Date: 18 April 1590
Note: The letter is highly abbreviated and tighly written in the top right quadrant of the folio.
Copy of: 0238



Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: April:

Later Addition: Belgia 1590 18 Aprill to the Ls of the Councell

It may please your LL to be advertized that I have parfourmed the charge of your lettres of the 15 of Marche which came to my handes the 4th of this present, About the principall points I had onely to deale with the generall states: which by vertue of your LL. lettres of credence I have accomplished & have sent you a coppie of that proposition which I made unto them, their answer ys no other but that they will deliberate upon yt: albeyt I see no apparance of any spedy resolution: establ especially for that they see not heer how farr they may yeld in establishing the authority of the Counsell of State, & though yt bee a matter most plainely sett downe yn the Treaty, and would bee a singular meanes to redresse the disorders of this diseased state, yet the generall states have so long usurped the authority, & some particular parsons do find yt such a spetiall furdrance to theyr privat deseignes, as yt is very much douted unles her Majesty will take the same to hart, they will never but delay & dally away in wordes whatsoever ys demanded. Those other points of your LL. lettre which I have not touched in my speech to the general States ar matters appartaining to the Consell of State to whom they shall be imparted with the next opprtunity & as theyr answer shall require I will advertise your LL &c. April. 90.