Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.40r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0909/008
Date: 04 January 1590
Note: There is no address leaf. In the centre of the lettertext it appears that a 2cm section was ripped away then re-attached; a few words are slightly unclear as a result.
Later Addition: Belgia 1590: January:
Later Addition: Belgia. 1590. stilo Roman 4 January to SMaster Bodly
After our hartye Comendacions: Whereas the Quenes Majestie is desirous to knowe and understand directly the strength and nombers of the auxiliary forces in those Contreis, and that the States might also be privy thereunto as in good reason appartayneth: and meaning to have a generall view and muster taken of them all in their severall garrisons to be done and parformed all at one instant especially in the two Cautionary Townes and in the Townes of Ostend and Berghen opt Zome, Her pleasure is that you acquaint the Counsaill of State with her purpose therein, and that you require them, according to the contract to appointe Commissaries on their parte, to Joyne with suche as are there, for her Majesty in the taking and parforming of the said musters, as well in the said Townes, as in other Townes where the forces are dispersed./ And because the musters may be so don as the comon frawdes and abuses usually practised among the Captains and officers of Companies may be avoyded, we have sett downe some speciall articles to be added to the former instructions for musters (Lately agreed on there, with the consent of the Deputies of the States) which you shall recceve heerinclosed, wherewith you maie acquaint the Couns[aill o]f State, to the ende they may consider of them and increase them if they shall see cause: and after you shall have concluded on the manner and certaine daye of the said musters to be taken, you shall write to the Gouvernors of the foure Townes and to Sir Francis Vere severally, as so directed from us, requiring them to procede imeadiately to the shewing and mustering of the Companies under their gouvernementes, to whome you may send inclosed in your lettres, copies of the additions, as also to delyver to the Comissaries for her Majestie, Like copies signed with your hand (by authoritie from us) for their direction in the execucion of their Charge: which lettres so to be addressed to the Governors and Sir Francis Vere, you maie deliver to the said Comissaries with expresse comaundement in her Majesties name not to delyver them untill the Evening before the musters shalbe taken. We have already by our lettres written herewith to the said Governors, geving them knowledge of the purpose of this generall muster to be parformed uppon such day and in suche manner as they shalbe directed and required from you, to the end they maie not pretend ignorance, or use any frivolous excuse when they shalbe called thereunto: and so referring the care hereof and of all suche other necessary circumstances as shalbe nedefull for the better accomplishing of this service unto you, we byd you hartelie farewell From the Courte at Richemond the iiijth of January 1589 Your verie Loving frendes William Burghley Charles Howard Hunnsdon Cobham Buckehurst Francis Knollys Jamys Croft Thomas Heneage Francis Walsingham John Perrot John WolleyEndorsed: Master Bodley.