Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.39r-v, f.41r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0908/008
Date: 16 January 1590
Note: This letter is pasted into the volume slightly oddly: with the second page of the letter (fol.39r) presented first, and with a letter from the Privy Council to Bodley (Letter ID 0909) bound between the two leaves of the letter.
Copies: 0791
fol.41vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham Knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie
Endorsed: 16 Januarie 1589 From Master Bodley Buis his opinion [Lieu] [hoh] the intention of the states in erectinge a privie Counsel about C. Maurice the Counsel of state like to be dissolved in [re], thogh in [specie] held, for color of observance of the treatie with her Majestie
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590
Later Addition: Belgia 1590
It may please your H. I signified in my former What communication passed, uppon my first mee- ting with Monsieur Bus. This day he was with me againe, and entered into further conference. In the general assembly, whiche is held at this present by the States of Holland, among other matters it wilbe proposed, and, as he thinkes, concluded, that Count Maurice shall have a privy councell of Hollanders assigned, to be continually attendant uppon him: whiche will tend in the end to a plaine dissolution of the Councell of state. For it should seeme by their daily proceedinges that they are to maintene it but for fashions sake, and for an outward shewe of obser- ving the contract, wheras it is intended among them selves, that matters of weight shall be alwaies han- dled, a part, and in their secret assemblies.
Moreover by way of discourse he signified further /unto me/ that if her Majestie shall refuse the souveraigne pro- tection of these contreis, and be more desirous to con- lude a peace with the King then to continue at thi[s] charge, and in these termes with this people, there [are] very likely meanes to effect it, to her Majesties good liking, and the contreis contentment. For the present state of the Kinges affaires considered, there is no question, in his opinion, but that the liberty of con- science, and the fruition of their privileges, which are the principall causes that moved these contreis to putt themselves in armes, wilbe accorded unto them, in as ample maner, as they have reason to reqest. One of the hardest pointes will consist in suborning fitte persons, by whose interposition it may be brought into Treaty: whiche he thinkes notwithstanding will be easely compassed, if her Majestie be that way inclined. fol.39v
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: January
Later Addition: Turn this sheet
Later Addition: Turn to fol 36
The late petition presented to the King by the states of Artois and Hennault, will /give/ a great furtherance to the mater. For as I have heard, and as Master Bus doth assure me, a speciall cause of Richardots errand into Spaine, was to persuade the King in their behalf to growe to a peace with these united Provinces: for that it was impossible for them to con- tinue their excessive charges in these warres without some traffique with their neighbours.Also to the purpose of that, wherof your H. heereto fore hath requested to be certified from me, to witte, astouching the affection which is borne by the people unto Fraunce it may please your H to un- derstand, that there are fower or five of the Gene rall states, wheruppon every good newes that com eth from thens send out suche speeches in their private conventicles as if their only salvation must come from that kinge, and as if thei would pre sently fetche him hither in procession. Never theles the farre greater part of their Assembly, and for ought I can perceave, the whole Councell of state and the commonaltie in most places, as I learne by Monsieur Bus, will acknowledge no other to be fitt for their protection but her Majestie. What badde persuasions may doe in processe of time, with an inconstant people, it is muche to be feared. For doutles those fewe busibodies have alwaies taken suche opposit and offensive courses to her Majestie, that they thinke their sinne to be greater then can be pardonned, and in that respect will doe their uttermost endevor to suppresse her Majesties autorite in this contrey. Notwithstanding the report of the messenger sent hither from Berke, fol.41r
Later Addition: Belgia: 1590
Later Addition: Belgia 1590. January 16.
Later Addition: from fol 34
Wherof I made mention in my former, the states are persuaded that there is victuall in the towne for a longer time, and therfore use the lesse speede in taking any resolution. Howbeit they have dealt with a mar- chant, upon certaine conditions which are accorded between them, who hath promised to buy a quan- tite of Corne in Collen and to adventure by water to bring it in to the towne. Whiche they thinke will serve the turne to supplie their present necessitie, untill suche time as their forces by water, wherto they have assigned 12 shippes of warre, may be able to bring some further reliefe. Howbeit all this /is/ done without the liking of their martiall men heere, who thinke it unpossible to doe any good. As farre as I can conjecture, it is rather to content them of Guelders, by seeming to doe their uttermost to save the towne, then for any hope they conceave of good successe in the enterprise. For it is feared that by the next we shall heare that the Garrison hath compounded with the Enemie. Thus I take my humble leave From the Hage. January 16. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodleyhref=""