Letter ID: 0907
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.38r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0907/008
Date: 15 January 1590

Later Addition: Belgia 1590 January

Later Addition: Belgia 1590 stilo Rom 15 Janum to Master Bodley

Later Addition: Master Bodley


Sir, your proceadinges in your Charge there [general] as also in the particuler matter of Ostend, are ver[y] well liked, both by her Majestie, and my lordes, but espetiallie by the Lord Thresurer.

The dillatorie answeare made by the States, is by us here, much misliked of, being answearable to the rest of the Carriage of themselfes towardes her Majestie. Your motion for a Coppie to be requyred of their Comission is well liked of, as a thinge most necessarie, But it is thought they will make difficultie to yeald it, thoughe in reason they cannott [denie] it. We are nowe in hand with the lord of Buckhurstes dispatche, who is nothinge willing to accept the Charge, and it groweth here disputable whether it were not better to send over master doctor Clarcke, or master Wylkes, to acquainte the States with the materiall pointes of his Charg[e] to the end they maie have ample Comission to treate with his L. when he shall come.

Touchinge your request which Sir Horatio Pallavi- cino imparted unto me, for lycence to come home for 3 or 4 monethes to setle your privatt estate, I have moved her Majestie therein, but doe find in her no disposition to yeald thereunto. And so I Comitt you to god From the Cort at Rychmond the 15th of Januarie 1589 Your assured frend Francis Walsingham

Postscript: Heerinclosed I nowe send you a Coppie of the order which was omitted in the last dispatche
