Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.35r-36v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0905/008
Date: 06 January 1590
Note: On fol.35r there is a signature of a capital 'G' at the base of the page.
Later Addition: Belgia
Later Addition: Belgia 1590 January 6
Later Addition: 6 January 1589
It may please your H. shortly after the writing of my last Monsieur Bus came unto me, to conferre uppon the present state of these contreis: and after many discourses concluded in the end, that it was highe time for her Majestie to take some other course with this people: for that other wise there was nothing more apparant, then that all would goe to ruine on the sod- daine. He alleaged these common reason that are in every mans consideracion, of the notorious disorder in the forme of this government, of their want of forces and meanes to resist the Enemie, of the multitude of hollowe hartes and affections to the common cause: and hath signified besides, that there are some in this state of good account, with whome he himself of late hath stoode in contention, who give it out abroade that her Majestie is not touched with any speciall care of pre- serving these contreis, but practiseth at this present to make her owne peace with the Spaniard, without re- gard to their securitie. These are malicious devises of her Majesties Enemies in this place, who knowe not whiche way to continewe the credit of their badde proceedinges, but by secret spreading of suche false reportes. Howbeit he assured me uppon his owne ex- perience and knowledge, that the Commons and Generallitie of these Provinces, are both wholy and most affectionatly devoted to her Majestie. For the redresse of this disordered state, he knewe for his owne part no readier meanes, then that her Majestie would vouchsafe to accept of the perpetuall /souveraigne/ Protection of the Contrey: but with Limitation of time, to witte, untill they shall be throughly reconciled to the K. of Spaine: and with condition, that it be yelded unto her, in the same degree of Souveraigntie, as other Princes have enjoyed it before. The clause of Limitation he would have to be added, to the end it may not be objected, that her Highnes usurpeth an other Princes dominion: wishing withall fol.35v
that her Majestie would p be pleased, for the better gover[n-] ment of the contrey, and full contentment of the people, to make an offer unto them, of suche two or three principal persons of their owne Provinces, as they shall nominat unto her, to make choise of one for her Lieutenant to continewe among them. To this the people, he thought, would most willingly assent: and he knewe no better course for the safe pre- vention of those perils, whiche are otherwise like to falle uppon them. Also by his speeches it seemes albeit he would not discover himself so plainly, that he thought no man fitter then Count Maurice to be placed Lieutenant. He hath promised heere- after to communicat further with me, desiring very earnestly to be continewed in her Majesties favor, to whome he protesteth solemnely that his service hath bin alwais, and shalbe ever addicted. The report of all that passed between us would be tedious to your H. but in effect I alleaged that for answear which he knewe aswell as I, that her Majestie was alwaies an enemie to that offer of the souveraigntie. Ne- verthtles because his motion was made in an other qualitie and forme, then any that I had heard pro- posed heeretofore, I told him that I would acquaint your H. therewith, and request, as yow should like it, to have it imparted to her Majestie. Wheruppon it may please your H. to vouchesafe some answear unto me, and to frame it so, as I may shewe it unto him, for his better satisfaction. For I knowe not any man of his qualitie in these contreis, that may steede her Majestie more for good direction in pro- ceeding with this people, or that lesse esteemeth the displeasure of those, of whome the most part heer[e] standeth greatly in awe.
Heerewith I send your H. what hath passed further between me and the states, sins I certified my fol.36r
last proceedinges about the affaires of Ostend. The 31 of December I receaved a letter from my LL. of the Councell, bearing date the 8 of that moneth wherein I was required to deale with the states of Holland, about the reducing of their coines in all places to a certaine valuation, according to their late Placcarts. Howbeit long before the receat of that letter, uppon certificat made unto me, from one of Sir Thomas Shirleis Deputies in Zeland, I had moved the Councell of state about it (to whome the redresse of suche abuses apperteneth by the Contract) and it was resolved that the Placcarts should be reformed in some pointes, and proclamed in all the Provinces the 1 of January which hath bene per- fourmed accordingly. Wherof I beseche your H. if yow finde it requisit, to advertise my LL.
The Enemie lieth almost 4000 strong about Berke, and hath so besett the quarters adjoining as we are alomst in despaire of revictualling the towne. Wheruppon the Countesse of Neuwenar hath sent hither from Arnham certaine delegates to the Generall states, to require, that in case they finde no meanes to relieve it, it may be surren- dred unto her, by reason it was lately forfaited to the Count her husband, by the old Archebishoppe of Collen, who had left it unto him in pawne. For she is putte in good hope by her frindes, that the Count Charles Mansfield, and divers other great personages, unto on the Enemies sid[e,] unto whome she is neere allied, will be easely [per-] suaded to lett her hold it as a neutrall place. And because the Count Charles is [n]ext inheritorto the Countie of Horne, and Seigneurie of Weerdt, after her decease, she is also in hope of procuring fol.36v
by way of composition, that the Countie de Meurs and some good part besides of her former estate, shalbe restoared unto her. In which respect she sueth by her Deputies, to be licensed to treat with the Enemie or otherwise that she may obtene from the states some fitte intertenment for her degree. Wherto I can not yet conjecture what answear wilbe made her. For the Councell of state is not muche unwilling to accord the Neutrallitie, because thei see no likely meanes to victuall the towne, and because the ne- cessitie of the assieged will permitt no delay: But the Generall states, through the importunitie of those of Guelders, insist to have certaine compa- nies of horse and foote sent speedely thither, and that it may be attempted to succor it by force. In the meane season there is nothing concluded, and the towne, it is thought, is brought to suche extre- mitie, as they have yelded already to a parle with the Enemie. Sir Francis Vere and her Majesties forces, which d were drawen to the con- fines about Gorchum, by reason of the great frost, are all to returne to their Garrisons, finding that the Enemie gave no attempt, to whome nowithstan- ding there could never be offered a fairer opportu- nitie. And which I may not omitte to advertise your H. these garrison townes of Holland give out very good speeches of the quiet cariage of the En- glishe captaines and souldiers, which I am sure they would never acknowledge, unles it were thorowly deserved. For Sir Francis Vere doth study very carefully to give them all satisfaction in those respectes. If there be any thing in this letter worthy the knowledge of my L. Trea- suror, I beseeche your H. to impart it with his L. and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. January 6. 89. Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley