Letter ID: 0655
Reference: Hatfield, MS 167/81
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0655/008
Date: 12 July 1590


To Master Wylkes and Master bodeley. Trusty and welbeloved we grete yow well. wher as Monsier Snoy otherwise called Sonoy, who had chardg in the prince of Orendges tyme in Northolland, and afterward was Captayn and Gouvernor of Medenblyck, hath informed us, that the states Generall nor /&/ the Conte Marryce have not observed such apoyntmentes and articles, as was concluded betwixt them and hym at the tyme that he delyvered the sayd town of Medenblyck to the sayd count /and states/. wherby he is endaungered to the Burgesses of that town, and his [.] /estate/ otherwise empayred in not obteyning such thynges as war promised to hym for his benefitt as by a remonstrance which he hath d presented to us in wrytyng which we have willed our Tresrour of England to send herwith unto you /shall more largly appear/ we havyng had geven cause too the good will he did beare to /good will and/ dutefull service which he allways professed to bear render to us /to the publick benefitt of the Contrie/, do will and most ernestly require yow both, after yow have considered of his cause ether by the sayd remonstrance and by that furder information of such as he will direct to attend uppon yow, that [yow do] fol.81v
do dilligently impart his whole cause to the states and General and to the Counsell of estate and as occasion may serve to the Counte Moryce, and require them as they will have us thynk that they have regard to content us, to heare his den Complayntes, and gyve favorable he answers and to his demandes, and to satisfye hym in all matters accordyng to the promises made hym, whan he did render the Government. Which also we have more cause to reqre of them because he did yeld to all ther demandes at the Contemplation of uppon such solicitation, as by our Commandment was made to hym, by our leutenant Generall the L Willoghby: and our Counsellor Henry Killigrew /which we did to content the states accordyng to ther requestes/. And though at the your first motion, it may be yow shall not have a redy and favorable answer yet we will yow in tymes convenient to reiterate our requestes, and not to desist from the same, without some releff of hym and his causes./