Reference: TNA, PC 2/17/692
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0571/008
Date: 24 May 1590
Note: There is a curved bracket next to the marginalia, pointing towards the main body of the text.
Copy of: 0921
[In margin: Sent the 18th of June togither with an other to Sir John Conneway by Master Adams.]
A lettre to Thomas Bodley Esquier. Wheras ther remaineth at Horne a shippe belonging to Hubert Cornelyson laden with Corne; beanes, dealebordes &c which stale awaie from the Generalls in the late Portugal voyag with out their privetie or Consente which Corne was caried out of this Realme; as appeareth by deposicons of certein parsons taken before the Judg of the Admiralty and other Comyssioners bye us appointed to examine this Cause. We have thought good to praie and require you assone as conveniently you maie to deale with the State of Holland and the magistrates of the said towne of Horne that diligent enquirie maie be made of the quantitie and qualitie of the lading of the said shippe and where the same or anye parcell therof is bestowed: and likwise to solicite them that yt maie be sould to the uttermost valew that yt maie not be corrupted or embesealed, and that the money growing of the sale therof maie be sequestrid to saufe keeping to be hearafter disbursed toward the satisfaction of the 44 shippes of that province which seved in the said Portugall voyag according as direction shalbe geven in that behalfe from the said Generals/