Letter ID: 0566
Reference: TNA, PC 2/16/581
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0566/008
Date: 06 April 1590


[In margin: 6 April 1590/ L Chauncellor. L: Threr. L. Cobham. L. Buckhurst Master Wolley. Master Fortescue/]
A lettre to Master Bodley: Wheras wee do understande by lettres from Sir John Conway knight that the Estates do require some one Company to be sente unto them from the Garrison of Oastende, besides one /two/ Companys that are alredy at the Campe, which consideringe howe the Towne is at this tyme environed with the Ennemy and sondry Sconces one every side, cannot be spared at this presente without the endaungeringe of that place: Wee have thought good therfore that you shall move the estates to forbeare to drawe any further Companies out of Oastende, consideringe the weake estate of the Towne, and ther are allredy Three Bandes wantinge of the Companies that should be ther, Besides as they knowe the Towne is at that presente, envyroned with th'ennemies forces and with sondry sconces, on every side as yt behoveth them to stande upon their watche full garde, and those companies which are now ther, are with the leste to serve for the defence of that place, and to maintaine the ordinary wards and watches: For which respecte wee doubte not but they wilbe contented to forbeare the assistaunce they have demaunded of Sir John Conway and to supply the same some other Waies wher they may beste be spared So prayinge you to deale with them to this effecte in the beste manner you shalbe hable for their better satisfaction. Wee bid you &ces./