Reference: TNA, SP 84/40/100 f.109r-110v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0276/008
Date: 29 December 1590
Copies: 0988
May it please your good L. to be advertised, that I sent yow the 7 of this moneth, the long expected Answear of the General states: which I finde to be Negative to all her Majesties demaundes: not only those whereto they are not tied by vertue of the Treaty, but to every mater els, wherunto they are bound by expresse conditions. To proceede ther- upon by way of Replie, and to specifie the wronges, that they offer to her Majestie I knowe to your L. it is more then needeth, and to them it is in vaine, being bent to persist in their obstinat course. For if it /be/ possible, that ether by mine owne experience, or by others informacion, I should knowe the dispo- sition and humor of this people, having stoode so stiffely so long in a wilfull denial of all that is re- quired, I thinke they will rather hazard the state of their contrey, then be drawen against their willes to alter their purpose. In which respect, and lest my further dealing should turne her Majestie to prejudice, I have resolved to be silent, and to attend from your L. what her Highnes will command.
We have certaine advertisment, that there are al- ready Ambassadors deputed from the Emperor, to pro- pose a generall peace, to the states of these Provinces. It hath bin thought upon heere, what were fittest to be done, to prevent the inconvenience that may growe upon their comming. For though they stand not in doubt of the peoples inclinacion to any suche motion, yet they hold it best to be assured, and not to put it to the choise of their inconstant disposition. Againe they are afraide, as I am secretly infor- med, that suche conditions of peace may be offered unto them as being knowen unto her Majestie may make her desirous to enter into Treaty. For prevention fol.109v
wherof and of all inconveniences, they have resol- ved to send expressely to the Emperor, and to desire him to forbeare from sending unto them: for that the mater of peace hath bin often debated, and they finde no securitie in any conditions, that the King can propose. they will also write to the Duke of Saxonie, the Elector Palatin, the Marquis of Brandebourgh, the D. of Brunswicke, the Lantgrave of Hesse, and to the bishop of Witzbourgh, whose brother is said to be one of the Ambassadors, to intreat them very earnestly, not to give any eare to the fraudulent offers of the Spaniard, but to proceede to their late determination, for cleering the Rhine from forraine garrisons. All the doubt that is conceaved is, that the Ambassadors will be heere, before their letters can come to the Emperors handes. It is some mens opinion, that to lette them come, but not remaine, and to answear to their motion with a flatte refusall, were a better course then the other, and not so subject to offense. Howbeit they are minded, to write as I have signified.
We are heere in good hope, that the mutinies begonn in the Enemies garrisons of Diest and Herentals, in the contrey of Brabant, who demaund, as is re- ported for 50 monethes pay, will extend to other places. For it is said undoubtedly, that in the Ene- mies campe, there are many discontentments, not for mony maters only, but for sundrie occasions, which are greater among the greatest, then those of meaner qualitie. It is also given fourth,that the King of Spaine, doth take unto himself the bestowing of suche goverments and offices of charge, as were accustomed before to be given by the Duke fol.110r
of Parma. Whiche will multiplie, men thinke, the mater of dislike, that is kindled already.
We have also letters from Andwerp, that in the late assembly of the states of those Provinces, the Dukes demaundes for contribution have bin flatly rejected.
There is no opinion that this Winter there will be any great mater attempted by him. For his martial people are not freed of those mortal diseases, wherwith they were infected at their being in Fraunce. For whiche he hath dispersed them abroad, in the land of Liege, and other places of rest. Nevertheles we have intelligence at this present, that to the nomber of 1200 have entred the contrey about Utrecht, and done some smalle spoile upon the boores, but retired again with in Lesse then 3 houres. I have sent your L. heerewith the copies of certaine letters, whiche were lately in- ercepted by the souldiers of Berghen, and being written in Cipher were lately deciphred by Monsieur de St Aldegonde. The contents of the letters import not muche, /yet/ because in some pointes the Ene- mies estates is discovered by them, I thought your L. would willingly give them the reading. The ori- ginal letters were in Spanishe, but I have sent them unto yow translated into Frenche. And because I do presume, that it might be beneficiall to the Citie of Geneva, to see what was written, I have sent other copies unto them. The vicount of Turen, who arrived at the Hage the 17 of this moneth, hath bin in the assembly of the General states, hath shewed them the cause of his going into Germany, and required their helpe, for the intended Levies. All his speeches of her Majestie were full of gratitude and honor, in respect of her succors given to the Kinge fol.110v
Later Addition: 29 December 90
whiche he declared at some length, and in very good termes. Howbeit, he had no answear from the states, but in general wordes, That they would deliberat upon his demaunde, and recommend it effectually to the Provinces, and about the beginning of the next moneth deliver their resolution unto Master Busenval. By that that I can conjecture, by privat conference with my frindes, they will straine their estate, to advaunce the action to the uttermost. Also the Vicount hath dealt with me in particular to yeld what furtherance I shall be able: to which effect he did suppose, that I had bin charged by her Majestie whiche I am not as yet. though I doubt not therein of her Highnes pleasure, and in that regard have signified, that my best ende- vor shall not want. Of all other maters that may concern those affaires, Sir Horace Palla- vicinie will advertise your L. for which I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 29 1590 Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodleyhref=""