Letter ID: 0272
Reference: TNA, SP 84/40/15 f.15r-16v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0272/008
Date: 07 December 1590
Copies: 0983 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: 7 December 1590 Master Bodley to my L.

Endorsed: vanderwerk president of Middelburg one of the General states de loosen of holland of the Counsell of state from flushyng vanderbeaken president of flushyng

Later Addition: 7 December 90


May it please your good L. yesternight the Generall states sent their Greffierunto me, with an Answear to her Majestie in the maters propo- sed by Master Wilkes and me. To the end that yoour L. might presently have it, I tooke no leasure to peruse it, but read it over cursory wise, and caused a copie to be speedely written, whiche I have joined to this letter: beseeching your L. to impart it with her Majestie. I did never yet imagine that they would frame any answear, to satisfie her Highnes yet I thought it should have made a more plausible showe, then their other answears heereto- fore, to the self same demaundes. But, to my understanding, it hath bin apparant of a long time, that because they have resolved, to governe all alone, they will seeke indirectly, to frustrat the Contract, and to free their estate of her Highnes autoritie. By the date of their Apostilles, it is 2 monethes agoe, that all was concluded: which I knowe not wherupon, they have staied in their handes. It is saied that their Depu- tes depart within these 2 daies: who, as I doe understand, doe openly refuse to deale in other causes, then the mater of trafficke. Ne- vertheles they have taken a transcript bothe of our Propositions, and of the forsaied Apostilles; and have secret instructions, howe to answear to any thing, that may be objected. As yet I have not heard from your L. what her Majestie doth intend, about the letters to the Provinces: for which, in my opinion, the opportunitie is lost: But if her Highnes will vouchesafe, to signe that one for Master Buis, to the states of Utrecht, it will fol.15v
stande him presently in steede, and give him cause to be persuaded, that his honest endevors are grati- ously remembred. Ever sins Count Mau- rice missed of his purpose, in the enterprise of Dun- kerke, we have had in a maner cessation of armes: the Count being busied in his governments of Utrecht and Overyssell: where as yet he remaineth.

The Councel of state hath required the states Ge- nerall, to move the Provinces for an extraordinary Levie of 3000 foote, and 300 horse, to be imploi- ed in the filde, for half a yere. What successe it will have, I can not signifie: but the assembly of the states is earnestly bent, to the furtherance of it, and have made to that effect, a remonstrance to the Provinces. We are secretly ad- vertised, and, as it is conceaved, very truly, that the Enemie doth provide for the present surprise of some speciall place, which is supposed, (for as yet we have no certaintie) to be ether Berghen, or Breda. By reason wherof they have sent Master Gilpin to Berghen, and an other to Breda, to for- warne the Governors. Howbeit their chiefest feare is of Berghen: where the Enemie hath lately essaied, with promises of great rewardes, to move the Lady Morgan, to persuade with her husband, to revolt. But for the discharge of their duties, they have dealt, as it seemeth, very discreetly, especially the Governor: of whome, and of all that practise of the Enemie, and also of that, whiche hath passed about it, in the Councel of state, I will write your L. in my next. It is advertised from Bruxells, that the D. of Parma doth assemble the states of those contreis, as it is fol.16r
thought, in Andwerp, and for a newe contri- bution: as withall it is signified, that there will be at that Assembly, two Deputies from the Em- peror, with commission to propose unto them, and with them, a general peace to the united Provinces The bruite that is abroade of this Proposition, the soddaine returne of the D. of Parma, and the Liguers desire to come to agreement (for so it is reported) that doth putte many men in belief, that King Philip is dead. Whiche is the effect of as muche, as I can signifie at this present: for which I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 7 1590. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
