Reference: TNA, SP 84/38/102 f.102r-103v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0253/008
Date: 26 July 1590
Note: The imprint of the seal is still present.
fol.103vLater Addition: 26 July 90
Endorsed: 26. July 1590. LL. of the Counsail: restitution shalbe made to the marchants of the Provinces.
Addressed: To our verie lovinge freindes Thomas Wilkes esquier one of the Clerkes of the Councell and Thomas Bodeley esquier, emploied at this present in her Majesties service with the Estates generall of the United Provinces./
fol.102r Later Addition: William Waad
After our hartie commendacions. Yow shall understand that before your lettres came unto us with those from the States generall and of Holland and Zeland bothe to her Majestie and to us, wee had given order that those merchantes of the Lowe Countries, and the Masters and Marryners here whose shippes were taken and staied on the Seas comminge out of Spaine by Sir John Hawkins and Sir Martine Frobisher, should make attestacion before the Judge of the Admyralltie to whome the goodes and merchandize doe belonge and thereuppon present Restitucion to be made unto them. bothe of the shippes and merchaundize puttinge in bandes to make restitucion of the value of so moche as uppon due proofe shall fall out to appartaine to Spanyardes /or be unles all goodes for the warr/ which her Majestie was pleased should presentelie be executed although the said gentlemen have wrytten hether very confidentlie that yt wilbe proved the goods in those shippes do appartaine unto Spanyardes and to be collored by those of that Nation; Therefore you maie assure as well the States generall as those of Holland and Zeland that there ys no meaninge in her Majestie to impeache anie waie their traffick so as the same be of meere Merchaundize. Howebeit her Majestie ys certainelie advertized that under the pretence of transportinng of Merchanndize there are amongst them that doe convey Munycion and previcion of warre into Spaine, As there be divers lykewyse that cullor the goodes of Spanyardes in theire intercourse of Traffick; Therefore as her Majestie hathe a care that they should not be lett and interrupted in theire Trafficke, so you maie require them that better regarde hereafter maie be used that these abuses be not commytted wherby the common Ennemie maie be supplied with munycion and other necessarie provicion to mayntaine the warres against her Majestie. So wee bid you hartilie farewell. From the Court at Greenewhich the 26th of July. 1590 Your verie Lovinge freindes Christopher Hatton: Cancellor. William Burghley Hunnsdon Cobham Buckehurst Francis Knollys Thomas Heneage John Wolley Fortescue
Later Addition: Thomas Wylkes | Later Addition: {esquiers. |