Letter ID: 0248
Reference: TNA, SP 84/37/308 f.308r-309v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0248/008
Date: 24 June 1590
Note: The endorsement on f.308v is by Thomas Wilkes.



Later Addition: 24 June 90

Endorsed: 24 June 1590 The LL of the Conseil to Master Bodley and me: to deale with the states and to take orders for the mater of the 44 shippes emploied in the Portugal voiage.

Addressed: To our loving frends Master Thomas Bodley esquire one of the Counsell with the States of the Lowe Contries, and to Thomas Wilkes esquire emploied by hir Majestie in Ambassade to the said States.



Endorsed: Master Wylkes. Master Bodley.

After our right hartie Commendacions. Wheras the Estates Generall have heretofore wrytten unto us, on the behalf of xliiijor shippes of Hollande, that were employed in the voyage of Portingall under Sir John Norreys and Sir Francis Drake, that they might be aunswered somuch, as they claimed to apparteyne unto them for their services: You shall understande, that we thought good to comitt the examininge of the matter unto certaine parsons, who were requyred to enforme us, uppon the hearinge of bothe parties, what they should thinke meete to be don therin: For the better satisfac- tion of the Estates, we have thought good to signifie somuche unto you, as we have receaved from them, which you shall parceave by the Copie of their Certificate herin inclosed: Brieflie it seemeth, that they finde no cause, why anie suche summe of 5019li should be allowed unto them, as was at the first demaunded: but that all particularities duelie considered, there could be no more demaunded by them, then the summe of 2540li, if the xliiijor shippes had served without anie other recompence or consideracion at all. But wheras it is avouched by the defendauntes, and lykewise by the othe of the viceadmirall, that was sent from the Estates hither to solicite the Cause, that all the said xliiij. shippes were offred satisfaction in Corne, which they refused, and that xl of them freed the Generalls of all demaundes, so as they mighte have their discharge and pasportes, (as they had:) Wee see no cause, why the said 40 shippes should have anie further allowaunce at all: especiallie seinge it is avouched by the Generalls, that most of them had parte of the spoyles at the Groyne, Caskales and Peinchio, that might reasonablie content them: So as oneli

there restethe contentment to be made unto the viceadmirall and three more, that receaved no such pasportes, and have no suche discharge as their Companions did. And towardes the satisfaccion of the said fower shippes, it is thought, that the Corne and ladinge brought heretofore into Horne by Hubert Cornelison will suffice: which you maye require of the Estates fol.308v
to have solde at the best value, and employed that waye: For we are enformed, that the same Ladinge did not apparteine unto anie of the Esterlinges, but was Laden in England for the service of the armye, and that it was by stealthe carryed thither. And if besides this, after so generall a discharge of the said 40 shippes, the Estates shall require a further satisfaccion: You maye tell them, that the Generalls doe thincke, that they should be hardlie dealt with, especiallie seinge the service was against the Common Enemie. And we suppose, that if they should be urged anie further, they will not be brought to anie other order, then parhappes to be contented to have that which shall remayne of the 2540li after the sale and deduction of the goodes brought to Horne, defalked uppon suche debtes farre exceedinge that summe, which are owinge by the Estates unto Sir John Norreys and others, for their services in the Lowe Countreys: Wherfore you shall desire them, to holde them selves herwith contented; and we praie you to sende unto us their aunswer, assoone as you convenientlie maye. And so Fare well. From the Courte at Grenewiche the 24th of June 1590. Your verye Lovinge Frendes Christopher Hatton: Cancellor William Burghley Charles Howard Hunnsdon Cobham Buckehurst Thomas Heneage

Endorsed: Ashley
