Reference: TNA, SP 84/37/193 f.201r-202v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0244/008
Date: 31 May 1590
Copies: 0931
fol.202vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England.
Endorsed: Ultimo May 1590. Master Bodeley to my L. from the Haghe.
Later Addition: 31 May 90
It may please your L. to be advertised, that your L. letter of the 23 of this moneth was brought unto me, uppon the sealing of my former: the contents wherof I will impart to the states, as your L. hath required.
The stay of my L. of Buckehurstes comming hither, will be heavy newes to the most of these contreis: and for mine owne part, though there can no service of her Majestie be unpleasant unto me, yet unles this government may be somwhat reformed, I shall finde my service in this place very weerisome and comfortles. The very presence of a person of nobilitie, especially of him whome they desired so muche, had prevailed greatly with the people of this contrey, if not thorowly to redresse, whatsoever is amisse, yet to reduce it for the time to a tollerable state. Whiche I am nowe out of hope to see effected by any. Astouching Monsieur St Al- degonde, I am fully persuaded, that he had no Commission in any thing from the General States, at his going into Fraunce: but was only sent thither by the States of Zelande. For he had no sooner founde out the cipher, and declared the contents to the States of Zelande, but they resolved presently, to send both him and the letters to the King. Whiche was all concluded there, with out the privitie /heere,/ ether of the States, or of the Councel, Wherat they declared by letters to be muche offended. It was merveled at by some, that a man of his qualitie and imploiments, would make suche an errand, for whiche a letter might have served. But it was considered againe, that his povertie, whiche fol.201v
is thought to be great, and the smalle reputation that he lived /in/ heere, would cause him to accept of any thing, that might purchase unto him ether gaine or grace. And as concerning that motion, whiche he made unto the King, I am wholy of beleefe, that he was not autorised unto it, by the General States, or the States of Zelande, nor that it came of himself: but I am rather persuaded, that since his departure he hath bin written unto by Count Mau- rice and Barnevelt, with certaine their adherents, who make no dout, but if the King would imbrace that offer, they would afterwardes finde the meanes, that the generallitie of these Provinces should con- firme it willingly. I have often adverti- sed, and it hath bin most apparant by their care- les courses held with her Majestie that they were busied in secret, about framing the modle of some newe kinde of building. And whether it hath not bin a principal occasion, that the autoritie of the Councel heere could never be established, to the end a fewe among themselves might have the maneging of these affaires without impechement, I leave to your L. to consider. To signifie my conjecture, the time when Monsieur St Aldegonde was made an instrument of this offer, was at the arrival in Fraunce of Justinus Count Mau- rice basse brother, who was sent expressely to the King from Count Maurice, before the beginning of this moneth, as the bruite went, to Congratulat the victory of the 4 of Marche, but as it was se- cretly then spoken, it was chiefly to make an absolute offer of the Souveraignetie of these contreis to the King, with condition, that Count Maurice might hold it from him by way of hommage. This fol.202v
was then the speeceh among many: but because I wanted very good autors, I knewe not howe to credit it: thinking that, for the souveraignetie of the contrey, they would not be so simple as to move the Kinge so soone unto it, and so directly her against her Majestie. But it should seeme, they would not lett slippe the opportunitie of St Aldegondes being there: of whose particular affection that way, they were well persuaded, and perhaps knewe besides that his privat state had suche neede, as with promi- ses and rewardes they might use him to any thing.
And thus muche for part of answear to your L. letter, hoping in my next, having dealt with the states and the Councel, to give her Majestie some further satisfaction. And so for this present I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 31 May Anno 90. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley