Reference: TNA, SP 84/36/228 f.224r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0234/008
Date: 15 March 1590
fol.224vEndorsed: Copy Master Bodleys lettres to Master Burlace accompaneyng the States lettres from the sending of 2 Companyes from Vlissing 5 March 1589
Later Addition: 15 March 90
Copie./ Sir, to the same effect, as the Councell of estate hath written unto you, which I have also certified by former lettres, it is her Majesties pleasure, that her highnes auxiliary forces in theis countries shalbe only disposed by the Councell of estate, whereof I doe not doubt but you have held from home sufficient advertisement, For which cause, as also for that there are at this time manie opportunities offred to doe speciall good service, against the Enimie, I thought it verie requisit, and belonginge to my Charge, to accompanie their lettres wth theis fewe lines, and to move you to consider howe muche it doth importe the state / to have the contentes of their lettres fulfilled, which also this bearer martaint can declare more at large, to whome I referre you and commend yoour welfare to gods preservacion./ From the hage marche 15th 1589. Your most assured Tho Bodley