Letter ID: 0232
Reference: TNA, SP 84/36/138 f.136r-137v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0232/008
Date: 23 February 1590


Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the L. Burghley, Lord high Treasuror of England

Endorsed: 23 February 1589 Master Bodelie to my L. Takinge of Breda./.

Later Addition: 23 February 89/90


It may please your L. to be advertised that wheras in a former of the 21 herof I have certified your L. of an enterprise towardes uppon the towne of Breda, we have newes at this instant, that the towne is taken. I doe not doubt but it is adver- tised home, by the Governor of Berghen, or some others that are neere, and have readier meanes to convey their letters. Nevertheles for the more assurance, I thought it my duty to signifie somwhat, uppon the fitte opportunitie of a speedy messenger, who hath brought us the tidinges, and is presently uppon it, to depart for Zeland. The Councell of state hath no perfitt intelligence as yet of many speciall circumstances, which your L. might require. But the Count hath written in generall, that the exploit was perfourmed by Captain Harengieres a Wallon, with 80 souldiers, which were cunningly conveied and covered with turfe in a flatte bottom boate of 30 Last, and conducted into e Castel by a certain Water man, an old servant of the late Prince of Orenge, and one that usually served the Castell with turfe. They entred in with the boate, the 21 of this moneth about 2 of the clocke in the after noone, and continued quietly till midnight: at whiche time thei issued fourth, assaulted 2 corps de Guarde, and slue some 30 persons, without the losse of any one of ours. The Count being then at Williamstat, uppon intelligence that the Castell was possessed, marched with fol.136v
all his troupes towardes the castell, where he entred about 5 of the clocke the next morning. Uppon whose comming 6 companies of Italians which were within the towne, fledde away, and the burgesses presently yelded, compounding with the Count for 2 monethes pay to the souldiers. We looke every houre for more particularities, with which I will acquaint your L. in my next, with humble request, to be excused for my hast in this, and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 23. 89 Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
