Letter ID: 0231
Reference: TNA, SP 84/36/130 f.128r-129v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0231/008
Date: 21 February 1590
Note: At the words 'for a muster generall' there are four tightly drawn lines in the margin.


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.

Endorsed: 21 February 1589 From Master Boodley at the Hage the LL. letters of the 4 January received the general muster desired shalbe taken, as sone as conveniently it may, being now differred by reason of the imployment of Sir Francis Vere. Instructions sent disliked by the Counsel of state with some alteration.

Later Addition: 21 February 89/90


It may please your H. to be advertised, that the letter from my LL. of the Councell, bearing date the 4 of January and an other from your H. of the 15 of the same moneth, are but newly come unto me. I have acquainted the Councell of state with her Majesties pleasure, for a muster generall of all her forces in these contreis following those Instructions, which I receaved from my LL. Which they doe willingly accept, with some smalle alteration, and will execute accordingly. But as nowe the opportunitie doth not serve, for many respectes, chiefly, for that Sir Francis Vere hath some part of his troupes with Count Maurice, and the rest at Does- bourgh. Howbeit they resolve to doe it, assoone as may be: wherof I beseche your H. to advertise my LL. and when the muster is perfourmed, what- soever is needefull, shall be certified further. I thanke your H. most humbly, for moving her Majestie about my returne, whiche I would request but for a moneth, and take an opportunitie, when it should be no prejudice to her Majesties service. I will not importune your H. to move it any more, but if her Majestie were so gracious unto me, it would steede me greatly in my privat estate. Of Count Maurice attempt to surprise the towne of Breda, I have written heerewith unto my L. Treasuror, with some other occurrence, which I doe not dout but his L. will impart with your H. and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 21. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
