Letter ID: 1338
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Titus B II (2) f.495r-496v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1338/008
Date: 03 December 1589


Addressed: To my verie Lovinge frend Master Thomas Bodley esquier Counsellor of estate for her majestie in the united Provinces of the Lowe Countries

Endorsed: 3 December 89 Sir Francis Walsingham copy of the Quenes lettre for my L Burghes repaire hence.


After my very hartie commendations. The Queenes Majestie understanding of the diseased state of the Lord Boroughes helth and for his recovery of the same, having granted unto him her gracious licence to com into England for a season, So as he commytt the charge of the Brill to som such parson as his L. should think most meete and sufficient for the same and for whom he will aunswerr, during his absence, hath bene pleased upon the naiming of Capten Price therunto, that he shall take the charge and government of that Town, during the L. Boroughes absence. And therfore her pleasure is. That upon knowledge to be given unto you by the L. Borowgh therof (as her Majestie in her lettre hath willed him so to do) you shall notifie to the Counsell of State there, the naming of the said capten Price to that charge, as a parson whom her Majestie doth allowe & appoynt therunto, for the tyme that the Lord Borowgh shall be absent. And bicause yow may know what her Majestie hath written to the L. Borowgh I have thought good to send yow heerwith a copie of her Highnes lettres unto him, And so doo veryhartely byd you farewell. From London the third of December 1589 Your assured Looving frend Francis Walsingham
