Letter ID: 0892
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.219r-220v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0892/008
Date: 26 December 1589
Note: Bodley's signature is located in the centre of the base of the folio, with an ink line covering the area above it.
Copies: 0894 



Addressed: To the right honorable the Lordes and others of her Majesties most honorable privy Councell.

Endorsed: 26th December 1589 From Master Bodleighe.

Endorsed: the states dilatorie answeare.



Later Addition: Belgia 1589 December 26.

It may please your LL. to be advertised, that according to the tenor of your letters of the 12 of November whiche came to my handes the 13 of this moneth, at the next Assemblie of the Generall states I proposed unto them, what course her Majestie had taken, to repare the sea breaches, and ruines at Ostend: wherof I required their publicke Act of approbation, according to your LL. direction. Howbeit the copie it self of the order, wherof your LL. make mention, I have not receaved. That they have not satisfied her Majestie with some answear to the last proposition, whiche I made unto them, by your commaundement, they doe alleage for excuse, that they delivered their advise to the Councell of State, about the same time, and in the same mater, wherof they say they were persuaded, that I being a member of the Councell, would have certified her Majestie. And concerning the present order, whiche is taken by her Highnes they will intimat nothing of their liking or disliking of it: but have only declared that they will acquaint their Principals with it: finding that of them selves they are not sufficiently autorised, to varie in any thing from their Contract with her Majestie. This is the effect of that Answear whiche they retur- ned unto me: wherunto I thought it my duty to replie againe, for that I see they have framed their Answear but for forme, without any taken of care to yelde her Majestie satisfaction. For I did my last message unto them the 10 of September and after for the space of a moneth was a continuall solicitor unto them for some resolucion, and could not obtene it. Only the 8 of October uppon the instance of a letter sent from Ostend to the Councell of state, whiche thei sent to the Generall states, they returned a short fol.219v
schedule, contening their opinion to e said letter, without any signification of it unto me, or ins[[inua]]tion of any answear that I should make uppon it to her Majestie. The effect of their opinion was, that the Councell of state should endevour by their letters to persuade the states of Zeland, to defray the charges of the Fortifications of Ostend. Whiche was no advise to be certified, for that they knewe well enough, and they were told it also by the Deputies of Zeland, whiche were heere at that time, that it was in vaine for the Councell to make any suche motion, for that the states of Ze- land were fully then resolved, to beare but their owne portion with the rest of the Provinces. Likewise for the second point of their Answear, wheras they collour their refusall of ratifieng, by their publike Act, the order whiche is nowe taken by her Majestie for want of sufficient autoritie from their Principals, it is the same dilatorie Answear which they made unto me the 6 of August last, uppon that I proposed unto them, about accepting the 1200 foote for 600 horse: and likewise the same moneth, the 14 day, uppon the motion which I made, concerning the inlarging of their Deputies commissi- on then in England, wherein there was never any thing yet effectually perfourmed on their part, nor their Principals intention notified to her Majestie. This I have signified somwhat large/ly/ unto them, and declared withall, that forasmuch as they doe often pretend the want of sufficient Commission, it would be very requisit that her Highnes should be made acquainted with that Commission which they have at this present from their Princi- palls, whereby it may appeare directly and distinctly unto her, as also to her servants that are imploied in fol.220r
these Contreis, howe farre it doth extend, and to whome they may addresse themselves, according to the nature of every occurrence: wheras otherwise, thinges conti- nuing in suche termes, as they doe at this present, there is a great deale of time spent in proceeding impertinently, and theruppon muche occasion of dis- contentment ministred, to the speciall prejudice as- well of her Majestie as of themselves and their supe- riors. The copies of my Replie to this their Ans- wear, together with their Answear, and my Proposition, and also a transcript of the forsaid schedule sent to the Councell of state, Master Secretarywill vouchesafe to shewe unto your LL. Moreover, t[.]t it may please your LL. to understand, that after I had dealt in this cause of Ostend with the Generall States, I imparted the whole to the Councell of state, who seemed not to dislike of her Majesties order, conditio- nally that some of their owne Officers might be jointly autorised with her Majesties in for /over/seeing the woorkes, and disboursing the mony. And so I finde that in most thinges the Councell of state is inclined to proceede with good correspondence and satisfaction of her Majestie whiche notwithstanding is commonly im- peached by some among the Generall states, who are ever backwardly affected so that her Majestie would sette forward. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 26 December 89. Your LL. most humble at commaundement Tho. Bodley
