Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.179r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0878/008
Date: 12 November 1589
Copy of: 0223
Endorsed: To my L Treasuror November 12. 89
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 21 November To my Lord Tresurer from Master Bodly
It may please your L. since the writing of my last, wee have had the ennemy about the sconse of Rees, which the souldiers in yt, either of cowardise which is the common opinion, or for that as they alleadge yt was not possible to hold yt surrendred presently, the losse ys estemed to bee great & such as will turne the Province of Guelders into very much trouble espetially yf those of Sgravenwert continew theyr muteny which is not otherwaies likely, For theyr demaund doth amount toabove e somme of 10000 [ls] stivers which is not heer to be had, they are also fallen into conference with the Counsell of the Duke of Cleave who as we are informed ar exceding desirous to compas the place. Yt is now in consultation heer, whether yt be expedient or not to send againe the English forces into those quarters for yt is not thought that the Ennemy doth ly so strong; but that he may easily be repulsed Howbeit ther ys nothing yet resolved. There ys also an other new muteny growen in the castell of wijke a place of greate importance, about 2 leagues from Utrecht, upon the River, where the garrison refuseth to yeeld obedience to the States, desireth to bee discharged of theyr othe & requreth to Rx their full count & reckening. The State ys much troubled about yt & can not resolve, wether yt be best to give them present contentment without attending how to winne them in time, or in regard of the Example & consequence to proceed with violence against them, generally theyr goverment heer hath so littel credyt & countenance & is so altogether voyd of good order, & of all that should plant either feare or love in the peoples affections, that wee finde in most men a werines to be subject to parsons of no more vertue, & worthe. But befor the Countrey be reduced to some dangerous extremity, this generall discontentment will hardly break out which maketh me think that yf hir Majesties first resolution about the sending hether of my L. of Buckhurst had taken place There might have bin much offred to hir Highnes good liking, but I dout at this present the good succes of his coming./ For these fewe that beare the swaie amonge the generall States will never yeeld in any likelihode unles they bee forced for feare of the people to any alteration that may lessen theyr autority, so that for mine owne parte I do think they wilbut use my L. yf they can as an instrument to retourne such disorders as they will present against hir Majesties assistance & in regard of them selves condiscend to nothing, that may serve to establish a better regiment in the affaires of the Country, wherein I trust to your L. accustomed favour for interpreting to the better parte this bold delivery of my simple opinion. Count Hollock who is commonly heer at the Hage doth retaine his gard about him, as Lieutenant generall of Holland, but hee ys nether acknowledged publikly to bee so, nor any way employed, or called to counsell either by the Governor, the Count or by the Counsell of State, Howbeyt I do parceave by many spetiall good tokens, that he remayneth as well devoted to hir Majesty as any of them all without exception, which I thought not impartinent to advertise your L & so take my humble leave. November 12. 89href=""