Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.146r-147v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0874/008
Date: 19 October 1589
Addressed: To the right worshipfull my very Lovinge frende Master Thomas Bodley Esquier, one of her Majestys Counselers in the Counsel of state of the united Provinces at the Hage.
Endorsed: 19 October 89 From Master Secretary
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 19 October To Master Bodly
Sir I perceive by your lettre how hardely and against all humanitie you have bin used at the states handes in this case of Vasseurs, touching yor last direction therin received from me in her Majesties name, I have bin my self imployed in sondry services and legations as yow know yet did I never meete with such intemperat disordered humors in [princes] that might in better reason have held somme such extraordinarie a course, with a messen ger of a princes then these sort of governors, the meanest of all the kindes of magistrates, And by reason of the information given yow that the ground of his their uncivil and barborous procedinge should spring from their deputies on this side, I charged them withit, but with solemne protestations they denyed that ever any such matter proceded from them and offred to make good so much under their handes, shewing further the discon tentement they received that the states should so farre misgoverne them selves towardes her Majestie, who could not but be touched in the misrage of the parson of her servant and would at their comming home let them understand how fouly they had forgotten them selves, and in liew of somme kynd of satisfaction, in that behalf, procurethe libertie of the prisoner that hath bin so longe suted for, so that at their repaire and accesse to the states yow shall do well to urge them to accomplishement of their promise in way of satisfaction of those errors committed against yow, and forbeare to make any more motion to them in her Majesties name, whome in case I had acquainted with this manner of dealing of theirs, they should have receaved an other kynde of message then yet they do, or by their deputies they can understand fol.146vLater Addition: Master Bodley
As for the matter of Ostend by reason of the great insta nce that hath ben made to her Majestie uppon report of the great extremitie of hasard it standeth in, there was purposely withall expedition dispatched over, Master Adams to survey the breaches, and the worke requisite to be made for the safetie of the towne. But /by/ his report of the view, and acoumpt of the charges that it will requi re, it appeareth the worke that is reqisit can not be done without the expenses of fiftene or sixtene hondred poundes, and the contribution that the states seme to have yelded towardes the same, semeth not to amount to much more then one hundred poundes, so that the states must truely take order for convenient meanes or reliefe to furnish that charges or her Majestie will a bandonne it, And so with my verie hartie commenda tions I leave yow to god From the Courte at Richmond the 19 of October 1589 Your verie Loving frend Francis WalsynghamPostscript: Sir, my Master willed me to send yow heerwith the Deputies last negotiation with the LL. with their apostilles thereunto, and wold moreover have yow to let Count Hollock to understand, that her Majestie hath bin so farre from gevinge any eare, much lesse credit, to the reportes that have bin deliverd out of here touchinge the actions of Gertrudenbergh, as that he may wel assured him self there is no nobleman of his qualitie, that resteth more setled in her good opinion then he doeth. As by her owne letters he shall right wel perceive. and therefore could have wished her not labored his good friendes to mediate a hearinge of his just defence in that matter.