Letter ID: 0856
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.72r-73v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0856/008
Date: 03 August 1589
Note: Instructions. There is no margin on the top or right side of f.73r. The signatures are spread out in the bottom quarter of this folio. The address leaf comprises a separate folio, partially missing, and retains its wax seal.



Addressed: To owr lovinge frend Master Bodeleie Esquier, Counsellor in the Counsell of Estate of the Provinces united in the Lowe Countries

Endorsed: 30 August 89. Order from the Counsell touching the reparations at Oostend



Later Addition: Belgia 1589 3 August to Master Bodly

After owr vearie hartie Commendacions: By a lettre at this verie present delivered unto me the L. Threasurer from Sir John Conwaie Gouvernor of Ostend, it is advertised that by reason of sum late violence of windes and rage of the seas, a great part of the newe forteficacions and workes are so undermined and shaken, that withowt present helpe the towne is likelie to be left open on that part, with further danger to the towne if the same be not prevented in time, as theie have good hope yt maie if present order be yelded of men and other meanes for the workes:And thearefor wee require yowe with what sped yowe /can/ to informe the States generall of this Accident and ernestlie to move them to direct theire present and speedie order to the States of Zeland for supplie of theire wontes for the said workes, which is required to be of fiftie or threescoare workemen, sixtene horses or theare- abowtes, and sum good quantetie of strawe, being a thinge which theie shall have cawse as yt semeth greatlie to use in this work, withowt which helpes, and that yt be presentlie taken in hand, yt is impossible as it is written from thence to save the towne this winter from utter ruin. It shall be also neadefull to send sum good quantety of piles and planks thither, and sum sufficient person to be ap- pointed by the States to have the oversight, with Command to paie the worke- men weeklie, towardes whose paie sum good portion of mony /remaineng/ in the Burgers handes, the overpnus of which charge, must be borne by order of the states. And hearein praieng yowe to use such ernestnes as yowe shall thinke fitt that a speedie resolucion and order maye be taken hearein, wee Commend us hertelie to yowe. From Elie place this xxxth of August. 1589 Yowr verie loving frends. Christopher Hatton: Chancellor William Burghley Charles Howard Cobham

John Perrot
