Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.65r-66v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0855/008
Date: 02 August 1589
Addressed: To the right worshipfull my verie loving frend Master Thomas Bodley esquior employed for her Majestie in the [Cou]ncell of State in the Lowe Contries.
Endorsed: From Sir Frauncis Walsingham dated the 2 of August 1589
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 2 August To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodley
Sir At the earnest sollicitation of the States /some/ forces are sent from hence, and some other shalbe spared out of the Cautionarie Townes and the Townes of Ostende and Berghen to make head against the enemie, and Sir Francis Vere as Sergeant Major apointed to have the charge of them, which I thought fitt to give you knowledge of, to thend you should not be unacquain- ted with anie thing that may concerne those Contries. For the matters of Fraunce we here nothing since the Last dispatch unto you, and therfore with my hartie commendations I commend you to god. From the Court at Nonsuch this second of August 1589. Your verie Loving frend Francis WalsynghamPostscript: The deputyes desyre to be lycensed to departe, which we fynde here verry straynge consydering we have not yet receyved from them any awntswer whether the states wyll according to her Majestyes request amplyfye her commyssyon or send some other well qualefyed persons to joyne with them furnished with a [newe] [large] comyssyon then they have. They growe verry prowde which makethe us here to suspect some [wrong] measure at their hands. Your Letter towching the two dowbtes I had, hath greatly satysfyed me. Yt may be that the alteratyon now lately happened by the murther of the late K wyll make them [.] [.] & uppon a newe hope /that waye/ standyng as they doe greatly assured to the new K. I wyshe that owre fortune and [.] were not so straytely tyed as yt is: so as we can not well untye without great hasard and then there woold be easely fownde some waye to free us from honour withowt perryll