Letter ID: 0852
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.52r-53v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0852/008
Date: 28 July 1589
Copies: 0205 


Addressed: To my very lovinge friende Master Thomas Bodleigh Esquier, Counseler for her Majestie in the Counsel of state of the United Provinces in the Low Contreis at the Hage/

Endorsed: From Sir Frauncis Walsingham the 25 of Julye 1589


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 28 Julye To Master Bodly

Later Addition: Master Bodleigh

Sir, In answear to your letters which I received, the one of the 26 of the last moneth, the other of the 9 of this instant July, yow shall understand, that I doe not much marveile at the sharpenes and hard bent of Barnevelt against her Majestie, and this motion, and the whot course he holdeth in all consultations and actions touchinge them: for that in sondry conferences of the LL. had with the Deputies here, there have bin hard speaches lett fall of him, and of his harshe humors: which it may be the Deputies advertised over, ether in respect of good will that some of them in particuler doe beare him, or to sharpen him more in his humor, therby the soner to make him to runne him self out of breath, and to become odious amongest them. And if I be not deceived by some other privat advise, which I have from thence, I purcei- ve it wil so fall out in the ende, and that before it be longe, for I am advertised, that his doinges are not greatly liked, or rather much misliked, of the best and most, and that he is likely to weare him selfe out of conceipt before it be longe, if he change not e course of his humors. for it is reported, that /he/ setteth to draw a line that is both unlikely ever to be broght to passe, and that in it self, can not but tourne to the ruine rather of those contreis, then any good.

As for direction for your self, there can as yet be no better given, then yow have alredy receaved, for that all cer- taintie therein wil depend uppon such Conference as by more ample Commission given to these Deputies wilbe had with them, or with such other as the states shall thinke good to sende over. Which matter yow shall doe well to hasten, and so their LL. pleasure is yow shold procure with all instancie yow can: who like very well fol.52v
well of your procedinge with the states accordinge to the direc- tion yow formerly received from them in that behalf. Amongest them yow may not forgett to acknowledge your self much bound and beholdinge to the L. Treasorer, who hath of times delivered good wordes to her Majestie of your painefull travail and advised dealinge in the charge committed to yow. Yow shall doe well in that respect, to wright oftener to his L. wherein as yow shall doe him satisfaction, so it can not but tourne to your good.

Were it not that the matter of sendinge other Commissioners hither, or more ample Commission to these, had bin so farre forth proceded in as it is, both her Majestie and the LL. coold have better liked to have had the Conference and meetinge of Commissioners there, beinge of opinion, that the Conference wold have bin with more spede ended there then it wilbe here. But seing it is as it is, the course is not to be altered, but their dispatche to be hastened, which is eftso- nes recommended to your charge and care.

Their LL. were in a good way by conference with the Deputies, to have taken somme reasonable course for the satisfaction of the L. Willughby. Which the said Deputies had in part promi- sed, but the cominge forth of his L. apologie, brake of that purpose.

This morninge we received newes out of France of the murder of the K by a Jacopin, and that the Nobilitie & Capteines of the armie, gave their othe to the K of Navarre, [.] [.] to be loyall and trew unto him, and not to forsake him, but to seke by all meanes the revenge of so horrible an owt- rage committed uppon the parson of the K. And so I leave yow to God. from the Court at Nonesuch the 28 of July 1589. Your very lovinge freinde Francis Walsyngham
