Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.10r-11v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0848/008
Date: 09 July 1589
Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 9 July 1589 From Master Bodleigh
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 July 9
Later Addition: 9 July 1589
It may please your H. the 2 of this moneth I receaved your H. of the 23 of June, with two from her Majestie and all the other writinges spe- cified in your letter, and by the Lordes of the councell: as likewise your last of the 26 of June, but this bearer Master Charles.I have cause to mervell at that which your H. doth write of the insolent speeches of the Deputies. For two of them are accounted of the discretest of this councell: and I have seldome in this place seen them overpassionat. But they take the same course, as the rest in this place. In privat commmunication, both one with an other, and with me, they will all of them, as those Deputies have done if often, condemne the presumption of those, that have caused this badde correspon- dence between her Majestie and the contrey: and yet they dare not publickly use any opposition: lest it falle out with them, as with others that are in prison in these contreis, and those captaines in England, and els where, that live in bannishment and povertie. Uppon that which your H doth desire to have deciphred, as touching the occasion of the stoute kinde of cariage, wherto the states are lately growen, Master Gilpin and I have debated sundrie times, and have used as vigi- lant eies as was possible to observe all their hopes and dessignes. But we can not per- ceave that their affiance is in France: or that they make any suche reckning, as if they could conclude their owne peace with the Spaniard: as doutles there are but fewe among them that imagine, that without her Majesties assistance thei can stand of themselves. But to signifie di- rectly what I thinke, They conceave their in- terest in this publicke cause to be no greater then her Majesties fol.10v
whatsoever demonstrations have bin made to the con- trary, and howsoever it hath pleased her Highnes by sundrie both letters and messages, to menace to for- sake them for their ungratefulnes, it is heere very easie to be seene, that they make but smale account of suche kindes of persuasions. And thought they doe not openly declare it, yet it is well knowen, that among themselves they doe it, and will shewe it more and more, as occasions are presented, by their ma- ner of proceeding. In the cause of vas- seur, [In margin: Nota This Vasseur a dutcheman was a servant to Sir William Russel and a prisoner for sinister dealings betwixt Russel and the Estates afterward delivred.]
they have bin silent sins my last to your H. I have claimed him in suche sort and forme, as yow may see by the inclosed. That advise which your H sent me in Frenche, would by no meanes serve the turne, the first point excepted. For where it is argued, that the states are a partie, and can be no judges, it is impertinent to that course which is held for that the mater is judicially handled by none but the councell of state, who are an other assemblie, and an inferiour court to the Generall states. The other reasons there alleaged do so extenuat his fact, as if her Majestie had absolved him already whiche if I should deliver in that order, I knowe it would occasion a great discontenment. The consideration of these reasons which I proposed, was committed to certain Doctors of the councell, whose decision was, that thei were not sufficient to exempt the prisoner from the Contrey. Their allegations against them, I requested to have delivered unto me, wherto I thinke they will yelde, and I will send them to your H. As I have signified to Sir William Russel, two or three wordes from the Deputies in England, in the favor of the partie, or els from himself, as taking his farewell of the contrey, would doe a great deale of good. In the mean while, I doe thinke there is so muche done in his behalf, a[[s]] they will nether putt him to the torture, nor take away his life: and what I maye doe further, shalbe fol.11r
diligently perfourmed. Sins the sealing of my letter to the Lordes, I am certified, that the Ge- nerall states have sent the copie of her Majesties lettre, my proposition, and the Articles, to all the Provinces, which I trust will returne their Answear withspeede. The Ennemie hath come of late before Utrecht, and caried away 500 head of cattle: whiche caused for the time some tumult in the towne: but all is well appeared.
Sir Martin Schincke hath victualed Berke with a monethes victualls, and doth intend, uppon order from hens, to put in more. The taking of those sconces, of which I writte in my last, in the quarters of Groeninghen, hath putt Verdugo in suche feare, as he will nether enter into Groe- ninghen towne, nor into Delfsiel, but keepeth among the villages: whiche doth putt us in good hope, that there will be in the end a generall re- volt. The Generall states have licen- sed Sir Martin Schincke to take the towne of Rees, or any other place of the D. of Cleves, that may make for his advantage. Master Gilpin will make petition to your H. to gette some order for his pay. I knowe your H. affection unto him, and in that respect, I knowe my sute in his behalf will be altogether needeles. Nevertheles because I see him often disapointed, and sometimes trobled in his buisnes, for want of his mony, I am to beseeche your H. with him, that he may have some suchewarrant, as the Treasurer at warres may accept it once for all. And so I take my humble leave From the Hage July 9. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: If her Majestie be resolved to continew her challenge of Vasseur, it will be requisit that my Lordes of the Councell should make answear to that Letter which was sent unto them from this Councell of state, and require them to proceede no further, till the case be decided by the consultation of learned men on bothe sides, to the end the like question may not troble them hereafter.