Letter ID: 0845
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.6r-7v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0845/008
Date: 04 July 1589


Addressed: To the right Worshipfull my verie loving frend Master Thomas Bodley esquier Counsellor for [[he]]r Majestie in the Countie of state in the Lowe Contries.

Endorsed: From Sir Fraunces Walsingham the 4 of Julye


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 4 July To Master Bodly

Later Addition: Master Thomas Bodley

Sir For that the proceedings of our Fleete in Portingall may bee there diversely and untruly reported as many times yt falleth out, I have sent you hereinclosed an extract of Sir John Norreis & Sir Francis Drakes owne lettres to the end you may understand the truth thereof, which thoughe yt hath not fallen out so profitably for our partie as was expected by reason King Don Anthonio fayled of his support of Portingals, yet hath the enterprise been attempted with great honour as by the said extract you shall more particulerly perceyve.

The States have here been verie earnest, for that the horse and foote employed in this Portingall service, are not returned as was apointed by the first of June, to bee supplied of others in their places to the like nomber, and to that effect will happely deale with you there: I have thought good therfore to lett you understand what answeare they have here receaved by mee, to thend you might be acquainted therewithall and give them the like ther yf you bee pressed therunto. Which is this: that their not returne growing as yt doth, from the said States, in that they kept not promise with Sir John Norris whereby the voyage at the first was greatly hindered, and therby in the execution also not accompanied with that successe that otherwise might have been expected yf the King of Spaine had been taken unprovided as no doubt he had been, there is no reason they should demaund newe forces in place of those other, especially the other being nowe employed to impeach the said Kings treasures at the Islands which wilbe no lesse profitable to the said States then fol.6v
unto her Majestie for that the said King shall thereby bee disabled (yf yt please God to blesse them with good successe) to mainteyne the Warres amongest them there as nowe he doth. And thus I commende you to God. From the Court at Nonsuch the fourth of July 1589. Your assured loving frend. Francis Walsyngham
