Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.309r-310v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0842/008
Date: 26 June 1589
Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie
Endorsed: 26 June 1589 From Master Thomas Bodley Secret instructions sent to Barnevelt. his use of them A message delivered to the Counsel of state and sent herewith. His stomacke against her Majestie and this nation. His [strainable] and cruel course holden against. The D [evil] offers direction desireth sucesse of skink & Count william. 45
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 June 26
It may please your H. there are letters come hi- ther from the Deputies in England, with many secret informacions to Barnevelt, whiche have putt him more out of temper, then he was at any time of late. The particularities I can not understand: but the Generall states assembled uppon it, and Barnevelt from them delivered that message to the Councell of state, wherof I send your H. the copie, as it is sette downe in our register booke. In effect it is fitt that your H. doe knowe, that all his maner and action in do- ing the message, savoured mervelously of stomacke, con- tempt, and revenge, in respect, as it seemed, of some thing written from the Deputies, and as your H. may see, for that the supernumeraries are continued in the Garrison of Flushing. Whiche he maketh the occasion of the losse of their townes. Because I knowe his crueltie and bitternes, howe litle he respecteth her Majesties favour, and howe muche the rest of that assemblie are gover- ned by him, I doe almost assure my self, that the poore felowe wilbe putte to the torture, and proceeded against with all extremitie, as in crimine liese Matis. He hath bin already examined in my presence uppon the pointes of his letter, and hath bin charged further, uppon the losse of Sluce, to have called the states traitours, to have cried out in Flushing, at suche time as the states were there together, or il est temps Bourgeois, il est temps, and to have uttered other traiterous speeches against the state, which he doth utterly denie, and I can not yet per- ceave that they can justifie. His letter is their chiefest accusation, whiche he striveth to interpret to the best for himself, alleaging that those were suche reportes, as were commonly then abroade, as no dout they were, and these men knowe well enough, /and/ in that respect might have charged him rather with a seditious, then a traiterous practise. But the endevour of some is no other in this place, but to have it notified to all the world, that it is the Englishe nation, and not they, that offer all the occa- sion of disunion in these contreis: and to make a shewe that it is so, they catche at all advantages in any thing, be the persons or their actions never so simple. fol.309vI am also privatly informed, that Barnevelt com- plaineth, that Sonoye, and the rest with him in England, finde a more favorable audience and accesse then their deputies, and that their affaires of importance are dal- lied withall, and suche troblesome causes preferred. Wheruppon in his heat he hath given it out, that they shall be forced to seeke no more to her Majestie but to defende themselves against the Ennemie, with suche meanes as thei have. And if other successe then good come of it ether to the Contrey or to her Majestie the blame to be cast uppon her Highnes. By these and other tokens I perceave that the Deputies being in England, hath done more hurt then good. For before those last letters of theirs came, we were in a very good way, to come to good correspon- dence. As I have made the motion heereto- fore, if it might stand with your H. pleasure, to affourde me sometimes some litle direction, it would be a speciall helpe to the advauncement of the service, in the place where I am trusted. For /whether/ it be her Majesties meaning, as it seemeth sometimes, not to leave these contreis unpro- tected, howsoever in their rudenes they deale un- worthely with her: or whether she be resolved, if they will not come to reason, to seeke her securitie, by some other kinde of course, because I knowe it not, and because I see some actions sometimes bende one way, and others at an other time repugnant, it is a very great hindrance to the uniforme proceeding, which we that are heere, must of necessitie keepe, to /doe/ any good. whiche I am bothe to signifie, and to beseeche your H. in respect of making me more able to discharge my duty, to give me nowe and then some further light of her Majesties intentions: whiche I referre notwithstanding to your H. wisdome and good liking. This day we receaved a letter from Sir Martin Schincke, wherein he writeth that the 22 of this moneth stylo vetero he encountered with the Ennemies forces at Santen /in Cleveland/ be- yonde the river of Rhine, which he passed at Bislike, and after 6 houres conflict putt them to flight, and slewe, as he himself writeth a 1000 but as it is cer- tified from an other but 400. Of ours were slaine 58 and 124 hurt: of which there were missed but 5 Englishe fol.310r
Besides the fort of Fernsume, whiche I signified in my last to be surprised by Count William in West- Frise, we have advertisment sins, that he hath also taken Reyde a place of greater improtance, and an other fort by Woldendorp, uppon the same coast all three: wheruppon there is hope conceaved of bringing that contrey to contribution, and of cutting of the pas- sage of victuall to Groeninghen. The Ennemie hath attempted of late to enter the Isle of Williamstat, where he presented himself with a 1000 footemen, and 2 cornets of horse: but finding the pesants uppon the bancks ready to make resistance, retired without doing any thing. And thus I take my humble leave, beseching your H. if there be any thing in this letter, to impart it with my L. Treasuror. From the Hage June 26 1589. Your H most humbly bounden Thomas Bodley
Postscript: It may please your H. that the sending of the Extract inclosed may not come to the knowledge of the Deputies, lest it prove an occasion, whereby they may seeke to barre us of the meanes, to come to the knowledge of their proceedinges hereafter.