Letter ID: 0841
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.307r-308v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0841/008
Date: 23 June 1589
Note: The address leaf of this letter is mutilated, and most of the superscription is missing.


Endorsed: From Sir Frauncis Walsingham dated the 23 of June 1589


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 23 June To Master Bodly

Sir I send you hereinclosed aswell the gene- rall articles whereof mention is made in my lordes letters, and of the which there hath ben a translated Coppie in Frenche delyvered to the States deputies here, from whom I thincke the States there will receave them before the arryvall of these letters unto you: as also to the particular heades which you are willed by my lordes to Communicate as from your self to Certeine of the said States.

You are to Call earnestlie uppon them that her Majestie maie receave satisfaction to the [grewes] of the Captens whereof you shall also herein- closed receave a Coppie; for that her Majestie findeth it strange that notwithstanding the often sollicitacions made on their behalf both by Master Killegrewe, your self, and lately by Monsieur Caron, she receaveth noe other then a generall answeare from them, and therefore you are to deale earnestlie with them, that their deputies maie be aucthorised to geve her particuler satisfaction therein.

There have passed of late hoate wourdes betweene the lordes and the deputies here uppon the occasion of the Callumnations Conteyned in the placcard against the lord Willoughbie: in the answearing whereof they Carried them selfes with greater loftines and insolencie, then in former tymes they have at ani tyme used, which proud humor so newelie put on, Cannott but argue a vehement presumption that they doe deryve a hope from some place, either of supporte from France when the King shall have mastred the league or that they Can make their peace with Spayne, or ells that they shalbe able to defend them selfes without her majesties assistance, And therefore you shall doe well to seeke by all the meanes you maie to fol.307v
decipher uppon whatt grownd they are growne to this newe Corage whether you maie use my good frende Master Gilpins assi- stance.

The deputies here have delyvered unto the lordes the Coppies of such letters as were written by Vasseur, and althoughe they are to be disliked yett doe they not Conteine anie such matter, but that both the examination and puni-shement might have ben reserved over unto her majestie, without ani such severe manner of proceading as is nowe by them held, which Cannot be maintained in Course of justice as by the inclosed maie appeare unto you. Her majesties pleasure is you shall deale effectuallie with the States in moving them in her name that the partye maie be either released, or ells his parson, and the recognition of his Cause transferred hither. And so I Comitt you to god From the Cort at Noonesuch the 23th of June 1589. Your assured frend, Francis Walsyngham
