Letter ID: 0840
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.299r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0840/008
Date: 20 June 1589


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 20 June

It may please your. H it is advertised out of Gueldres, that the house of Blienbeecke is surrendred to the Ennemie. It had bin two monethes besieged, and valiantly defen- ded: but through devision among those within, it was soddainly given over. Which was grievously taken by Sir Martin Schincke, both for that it was his owne posses- sion, and because he was comming with his forces to raise the siege. Howbeit in this place the losse is not greatly accounted of. It is certified hither, but not tho- rowly confirmed, that Count William of Nassau hath newly surprised the sconce of Fernsum, by Delfsiel, in the terri- torie of Groeninghen, a place of great advantage, in res- pect of annoieng those that enter the river by Delfsiel. The Ennemie draweth every day newe forces towardes the siege of Hoesden: but hath hitherto exploited nothing. The Governor Monsieur Fauma, who is in it, is reputed an expert Captaine, and wanteth nether victual nor men for a long time. Of Monsieur Carons negotiation I leave the report to suche letters, as he himself hath sent your H. He hath taken a great deale of paines to procure the release of Deventer, and the restitution of President Aisma, and those of Leiden. But I feare it still, which I feared at first, that he will reape litle fruite of his pain- full endevors. For I could never perceave that these men would doe any thing but iniquis conditionibus. The messengers sent from hens to the Scottishe kinge about the mater of Steward, are newly returned, but have made no relation as yet, of the K. intertenment and answear. I have heerwith sent your H. a copie of those particular pointes, whiche I have proposed to the Generall states, in my L. Willughbies cause. I doe not perceave that they goe about to make answear, and I am half persua- ded, that they will passe it over in silence. For I finde by the conference which I have had with my L heretofore and by Master Gilpins informacions, and by other good intelligence, that they will never be able to justifie those pointes with sufficient proofe. I purpose after a while to calle uppon them for an answear, whiche if thei shall refuse to deliver unto me, according to fol.299v
the charge whiche I receaved from my LL. of the coun- cell, I am by writing to require a publicke Act of their refusall: whiche direction I minde to folowe: unles I be countermaunded, or willed by your H. to take an other course. In whiche respect it may stande with your H. favour to impart the copie of those Articles, whiche I have proposed, to the LL of the councell, and to signifie in suche convenient time, as your H shall thinke fitte, if other order shalbe taken. And so I take my humble leave of your H. From the Hage. June 20. 89. Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
